پێڕستی داھێنەران
پێرستی پیتەکان
دەستکاری- George Antheil, (١٩٠٠–١٩٥٩),
- Bruno Abakanowicz, (١٨٥٢–١٩٠٠), پۆڵەندا/لیتوانیا/ڕووسیا/فەڕەنسا – Integraph, spirograph
- Vitaly Abalakov, (١٩٠٦–١٩٨٦), Russia – camming devices, Abalakov thread (or V-thread) gearless ice climbing anchor
- ھوانس ئادامیان, (١٨٧٩–١٩٣٢), ئەرمەنستان/ڕووسیا – بنچینەی سێ ڕەنگی بۆ تەلەڤیزیۆن
- ڕۆبێرت ئادلەر, (١٩١٣–٢٠٠٧), نەمسا/ئەمریکا – کۆنتڕۆڵی بێ تەل (لەگەڵ یوجین پۆلەی)
- Anatoly Alexandrov, (١٩٠٣–١٩٩٤), Russia – anti-mine demagnetising of ships, naval nuclear reactors (including one for the first nuclear icebreaker)
- Alexandre Alexeieff, (١٩٠١–١٩٨٢) Russia/France – pinscreen animation (with his wife Claire Parker)
- Rostislav Alexeyev, (١٩١٦–١٩٨٠), Russia – ekranoplan
- Zhores Alferov, (١٩٣٠), Russia – heterotransistor, continuous-wave-operating diode laser (together with Dmitri Garbuzov)
- Genrich Altshuller, (١٩٢٦–١٩٩٨), Russia – TRIZ ("The Theory of Solving Inventor's Problems")
- Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe, (١٨٧٢–١٩٣١), Germany – Gyrocompass
- Mary Anderson, (١٨٦٦–١٩٥٣), United States – windshield wiper blade
- Vasily Andreyev, (١٨٦١–١٩١٨), Russia – standard balalaika
- Oleg Antonov, (١٩٠٦–١٩٨٤), Russia – An-series aircraft, including A-٤٠ winged tank and An-١٢٤ (the largest serial cargo, later modified to world's largest fixed-wing aircraft An-٢٢٥)
- Nicolas Appert, (١٧٤٩–١٨٤١), France – canning (airtight food preservation)
- ئارکیمیدز, (٢٨٧-٢١٢ پ.ز), یۆنان – Archimedes' screw
- Ami Argand, (١٧٥٠–١٨٠٣), France – Argand lamp
- Edwin Howard Armstrong, (١٨٩٠–١٩٥٤), U.S. – FM radio
- William George Armstrong, (١٨١٠–١٩٠٠), UK – hydraulic accumulator
- Neil Arnott, (١٧٨٨–١٨٧٤), UK – waterbed
- Lev Artsimovich, (١٩٠٩–١٩٧٣), Russia – tokamak
- Joseph Aspdin, (١٧٨٨–١٨٥٥), UK – Portland cement
- John Vincent Atanasoff, (١٩٠٣–١٩٩٥), Bulgaria/U.S. – modern digital computer
دەستکاری- Charles Babbage, (1791–1871), UK – analytical engine (semi-automatic)
- Roger Bacon, (1214–1292), UK – magnifying glass
- Leo Baekeland, (1863–1944), Belgian–American – Velox photographic paper and Bakelite
- Ralph H. Baer, (1922–), German born American – video game console
- John Logie Baird, (1888–1946), Scotland – an electromechanical تەلەڤیزیۆن, electronic color television
- Abi Bakr of Isfahan, (c. 1235), Persia/ئێران – mechanical geared ئیسترلاب with lunisolar calendar analog computer
- Donát Bánki, (1859–1922), Hungary – inventor of the carburetor for the stationary engine[١]
- Ridgway Banks, inventor of the Banks Engine, a Nitinol based solid state heat engine
- Vladimir Baranov-Rossine, (1888–1944), ئوکراینا/Russia/France – Optophonic Piano, pointillist or dynamic military camouflage
- John Barber, (1734–1801), UK – gas turbine
- John Bardeen, (1908–1991), U.S. – co-inventor of the transistor
- Vladimir Barmin, (1909–1993), Russia – first rocket launch complex (spaceport)
- Anthony R. Barringer, Canada/U.S. – INPUT (Induced Pulse Transient) airborne electromagnetic system
- Earl W. Bascom, (1906–1995), Canada/U.S. – side-delivery rodeo chute, hornless rodeo saddle, rodeo bareback rigging, rodeo chaps
- Nikolay Basov, (1922–2001), Russia – co-inventor of laser and maser
- بەتتانی (Albatenius), (853-929), سووریا/تورکیا – observation tube
- Eugen Baumann, (1846–1896), Germany – PVC
- Trevor Baylis, (1937–), UK – a wind-up radio
- Francis Beaufort, (1774–1857), France – Beaufort scale
- Ernest Beaux, (1881–1961), Russia/France – Chanel No. 5
- Arnold O. Beckman, (1900–2004), U.S. – pH meter
- Ulugh Beg, (1394–1449), Persia/ئێران – Fakhri sextant, mural sextant
- Vladimir Bekhterev, (1857–1927), Russia – Bekhterev's Mixture
- ئەلێکساندەر گراھام بێڵ, (1847–1922), UK, Canada, and U.S. – تەلەفۆن
- Karl Benz, (1844–1929), Germany – the petrol-powered automobile, the carburetor[٢][٣]
- Alexander Bereznyak, (1912–1974), Russia – first rocket-powered fighter aircraft, BI-1 (together with Isaev)
- Georgy Beriev, (1903–1979), Georgia/Russia – Be-series amphibious aircraft
- Emile Berliner, (1851–1929), Germany and U.S. – the disc record gramophone
- Nikolay Benardos, (1842–1905), Russia – arc welding (specifically carbon arc welding, the first arc welding method)
- تیم بێرنەرز لی, (1955–), UK – with Robert Cailliau, the تەونی بەربڵاوی جیھانی
- Bi Sheng (بە چینی: 畢昇�), (ca. 990–1051), China – clay movable type printing
- Gerd Binnig, (1947–), Germany – with Heinrich Rohrer, scanning tunneling microscope
- Laszlo Biro, (1899–1985), Hungary – modern ballpoint pen
- Clarence Birdseye, (1886–1956), U.S. – frozen food process
- Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī, (973–1048), Persia/ئێران – mechanical geared lunisolar calendar, laboratory and surveying equipment.
- J. Stuart Blackton, (1875–1941), U.S. – stop-motion film
- Otto Blathy (1860–1939), Hungary – co-inventor of the transformer, wattmeter, alternating current (AC) and turbogenerator
- Fyodor Blinov, (1827–1902), Russia – first tracked vehicle, steam-powered continuous track tractor
- Katharine B. Blodgett, (1898–1979), UK – nonreflective glass
- Alan Blumlein, (1903–1942), UK – stereo
- Nils Bohlin, (1920–2002), Sweden – the three-point seat belt
- Joseph-Armand Bombardier, (1907–1964), Canada – snowmobile
- Sam Born, Russia/U.S. – lollipop-making machine
- Satyendra Nath Bose, (1894–1974), India – work on gas-like properties of تیشکدانی کارۆموگناتیسی, Boson and providing foundation for Bose-Einstein statistics and Bose-Einstein Condensate
- Jagdish Chandra Bose, (1858–1937), India – Crescograph
- George de Bothezat, (1882–1940), Russia/U.S. – quadrotor helicopter, (The Flying Octopus)
- Matthew Piers Watt Boulton, (1820–1894), UK – aileron
- Robert W. Bower, (1936–), U.S. – self-aligned–gate MOSFET
- Seth Boyden, (1788–1870), U.S. – nail-making machine
- Walter Houser Brattain, (1902–1987), U.S. – co-inventor of the transistor
- Louis Braille, (1809–1852), France – the Braille writing system
- Jacques E. Brandenberger, (1872–1954), Switzerland – Cellophane
- Édouard Branly, (1844–1940), France – the coherer, the first widely used detector for ڕادیۆ communication.
- Karl Ferdinand Braun, (1850–1918), Germany – cathode-ray tube oscilloscope
- Stanislav Brebera, (1925–2012), Czech Republic – Semtex explosive
- Harry Brearley, (1871–1948), UK – stainless steel
- سێرگی برین, (1973–), Russia/U.S. – with لاری پەیج invented Google web search engine
- Mikhail Britnev, (1822–1889), Russia – first metal-hull icebreaker (Pilot)
- Rachel Fuller Brown, (1898–1980), U.S. – Nystatin, the world's first antifungal antibiotic
- John Moses Browning, (1855–1926), U.S. – Semi-automatic pistol
- Maria Christina Bruhn, (1732–1802), Sweden
- Nikolay Brusentsov, (born 1925), Russia – ternary computer (Setun)
- Edwin Beard Budding, (1795–1846), UK – lawnmower
- Gersh Budker, (1918–1977), Russia – electron cooling, co-inventor of collider
- Corliss Orville Burandt, U.S. – Variable valve timing
- Henry Burden,(1791–1871) Scotland and U.S. – Horseshoe machine (made 60 horse shoes in a minute), first usable Iron Railed road spike, and builder of the most powerful waterwheel in history "Niagara of Water-Wheels"
- Richard James Burgess, U.K. – Simmons (electronic drum company), co-inventor of SDS5 drum synthesizer
دەستکاری- Robert Cailliau, (1947–), Belgium – with تیم بێرنەرز لی, the تەونی بەربڵاوی جیھانی
- C`ai Lun, 蔡倫 (50–121 AD), China – paper
- Marvin Camras, (1916–1995), U.S. – magnetic recording
- Chester Carlson, (1906–1968), U.S. – Xerography
- Wallace Carothers, (1896–1937), U.S. – نایلۆن and Neoprene (together with Arnold Collins)
- Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi, (fl.1630–1634), Turkey – artificial wings
- Joseph Constantine Carpue, (1764–1846), France – rhinoplastic surgery
- George Cayley, (1773–1857), UK – glider, tension-spoke wheels, Caterpillar track
- Roxey Ann Caplin, (1793–1888), UK – Corsets
- Octave Chanute, (1832–1910), US – Civil Engineer
- Dennis Charter, (1952–), Australia – secure electronic payment system for internet PaySafe
- Vladimir Chelomey, (1914–1984), Russia – first space station (Salyut), Proton rocket (the most used heavy lift launch system)
- Pavel Cherenkov, (1904–1990), Russia – Cherenkov detector
- Adrian Chernoff, (1971–), U.S. – GM Autonomy, GM Hy-wire, Rubber Bandits
- Evgeniy Chertovsky, (1902–), Russia – pressure suit
- Alexander Chizhevsky, (1897–1964), Russia – air ionizer
- Andrey Chokhov, (c. 1545–1629), Russia – Tsar Cannon
- Niels Christensen (1865–1952), U.S. – O-ring
- Samuel Hunter Christie, (1784–1865), UK – Wheatstone bridge
- Juan de la Cierva, (1895–1936), Spain – the autogyro
- Alexandru Ciurcu, (1854–1922), ڕۆمانیا – Reaction engine
- Georges Claude, (1870–1960), France – neon lamp
- Josephine Cochrane, (1839–1913), U.S. – dishwasher
- Christopher Cockerell, (1910–1999), UK – Hovercraft
- Aeneas Coffey, (1780–1852), Ireland – heat exchanger, Coffey still
- Sir Henry Cole, (1808–1882), UK – Christmas card
- Samuel Colt, (1814–1862), U.S. – Revolver
- George Constantinescu, (1881–1965), ڕۆمانیا – creator of the theory of sonics, a new branch of continuum mechanics
- Lloyd Groff Copeman, (1865–1956), U.S. – Electric stove
- Cornelis Corneliszoon, (1550–1607), The Netherlands – sawmill
- Jacques Cousteau, (1910–1997), France – co-inventor of the aqualung and the Nikonos underwater camera
- Thomas Crapper, (1836–1910), UK – ballcock (toilet valve)
- Bartolomeo Cristofori, (1655–1731), Italy – پیانۆ
- János Csonka, (1852–1939), Hungary – co-inventor of carburetor
- Raul Cuero, (1948-), Buenaventura, کۆلۆمبیا, see Inventions and patents list
- Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, (1725–1804), France – first steam-powered road vehicle
- William Cumberland Cruikshank, (1745–1800), UK – chlorinated water
- William Cullen, (1710–1790), UK – first artificial ساردکەرەوە
- Glenn Curtiss, (1878–1930), U.S. – aeronautical and aeroengine improvements
- John Wesley Hyatt, (1837–1920), U.S. – celluloid manufacturing.
دەستکاری- Gustaf Dalén, (1869–1937), Sweden – AGA cooker; Dalén light; Agamassan
- Salvino D'Armate, (1258–1312), Italy – credited for inventing eyeglasses in 1284
- لیۆناردۆ دا ڤینچی, (1452–1519), Italy – conceptualized a ھەلیکۆپتەر, a tank, concentrated solar power, the double hull. Relatively few of his designs were constructed during his lifetime. Some that were used are an automated bobbin winder and a machine for testing the tensile strength of wire
- Corradino D'Ascanio, (1891–1981), Italy – D'AT3 ھەلیکۆپتەر; Vespa scooter
- Jacob Davis, (1868–1908), U.S. – riveted jeans
- Edmund Davy, (1785–1857), Ireland – acetylene
- Humphry Davy, (1778–1829), UK – Davy miners lamp
- Joseph Day, (1855–1946), UK – the crankcase-compression two-stroke engine
- Lee DeForest, (1873–1961), U.S. – triode
- Vasily Degtyaryov, (1880–1949), Russia – first self-loading carbine, Degtyaryov-series firearms, co-developer of Fedorov Avtomat
- Akinfiy Demidov, (1678–1745), Russia – co-developer of rebar, cast iron dome, lightning rod (all found in the Leaning Tower of Nevyansk)
- Yuri Nikolaevich Denisyuk, (1927–2006), Russia – 3D holography
- Miksa Deri (1854–1938), Hungary – co-inventor of an improved closed-core transformer
- James Dewar, (1842–1923), UK – Thermos flask
- Aleksandr Dianin, (1851–1918), Russia – Bisphenol A, Dianin's compound
- William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, (1860–1935), UK – motion picture camera
- Philip Diehl, (1847–1913), U.S. – Ceiling fan, electric sewing machine
- Rudolf Diesel, (1858–1913), Germany – Diesel engine
- Al-Dinawari, (828–896), Persia/ئێران – more than a hundred plant drugs
- William H. Dobelle, (1943–2004), United States – first functioning artificial eye
- Ray Dolby, (1933–), U.S. – Dolby noise-reduction system
- Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, (1862–1919), Poland/Russia – three-phase electric power (first 3-phase hydroelectric power plant, 3-phase electrical generator, 3-phase motor and 3-phase transformer)
- Nikolay Dollezhal, (1899–2000), Russia – AM-1 reactor for the 1st nuclear power plant, other RBMK reactors, VVER pressurized water reactors
- Bryan Donkin, (1768–1855), UK – print industry composition roller
- Hub van Doorne, (1900–1979), Netherlands, Variomatic continuously variable transmission
- Anastase Dragomir, (1896–1966), ڕۆمانیا – Ejection seat
- Karl Drais, (1785–1851), Germany – dandy horse (Draisine)
- Cornelius Drebbel, (1572–1633), The Netherlands – first navigable submarine
- Richard Drew, (1899–1980), U.S. – Masking tape
- John Boyd Dunlop, (1840–1921), UK – first practical pneumatic tyre
- Cyril Duquet, (1841–1922), Canada – Telephone handset
- Alexey Dushkin, (1904–1977), Russia – deep column station
- James Dyson, (1947–), UK – Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner, incorporating the principles of cyclonic separation.
دەستکاری- George Eastman, (1854–1932), U.S. – roll film
- J. Presper Eckert, (1919–1995), U.S. – ENIAC - the first general purpose programmable digital computer
- تۆماس ئێدیسۆن, (1847–1931), U.S. – phonograph, commercially practical light bulb, stock ticker, ticker-tape machine etc.
- Willem Einthoven, (1860–1927), The Netherlands – the electrocardiogram
- Ivan Elmanov, Russia – first monorail (horse-drawn)
- Rune Elmqvist, (1906–1996), Sweden – implantable pacemaker
- John Haven Emerson, (1906–1997), U.S. – iron lung
- دۆگلاس ئینگێلبارت, (1925–2013), U.S. – the ماوس
- John Ericsson, (1803–1889), Sweden – the two screw-propeller
- Lars Magnus Ericsson, (1846–1926), Sweden – the handheld micro telephone[ژێدەر پێویستە]
- Ole Evinrude, (1877–1934), Norway – outboard motor
دەستکاری- Samuel Face, (1923–2001), U.S. – concrete flatness/levelness technology; Lightning Switch
- Federico Faggin, (1941–), Italy – microprocessor
- مایکل فارادای, (1791–1867), UK – electric transformer, electric motor
- Johann Maria Farina, (1685–1766), Germany; Eau de Cologne
- Philo Farnsworth, (1906–1971), U.S. – electronic تەلەڤیزیۆن
- محەممەد فەزاری, (d. 796/806), Persia/ئێران/عێراق – brass ئیسترلاب
- James Fergason, (1934–), U.S. – improved liquid crystal display
- ئێنریکۆ فێرمی, (1901–1954), Italy – nuclear reactor
- Humberto Fernández Morán, (1924–1999), ڤێنیزوێلا – Diamond scalpel, Ultra microtome
- Reginald Fessenden, (1866–1932), Canada – two-way ڕادیۆ
- Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick, (1829–1901), Germany – contact lens
- Abbas Ibn Firnas (Armen Firman), (810–887), ئەندەلوس – artificial wings, fused quartz and silica glass, metronome
- Artur Fischer, (1919–) Germany – fasteners including fischertechnik.
- Gerhard Fischer, Germany/U.S. – hand-held metal detector
- Nicolas Florine, (1891–1972), Georgia/Russia/Belgium – first tandem rotor ھەلیکۆپتەر to fly freely
- Robert Fulton, (1765–1815), United States – first commercially successful steamboat, first practical submarine
- Alexander Fleming, (1881–1955), Scotland – پێنیسیلین
- John Ambrose Fleming, (1848–1945), UK – vacuum diode
- Sandford Fleming, (1827–1915), Canada – Universal Standard Time
- Tommy Flowers, (1905–1998), UK – Colossus an early electronic computer.
- Jean Bernard Léon Foucault, (1819–1868), France – Foucault pendulum, gyroscope, eddy current
- Benoît Fourneyron, (1802–1867), France – water turbine
- John Fowler, (1826–1864), UK – steam-driven ploughing engine
- بێنجامین فرانکلین, (1706–1790), U.S. – the pointed lightning rod conductor, bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, the glass harmonica
- Augustin-Jean Fresnel, (1788–1827), France – Fresnel lens
- William Friese-Greene, (1855–1921), UK – cinematography
- Buckminster Fuller, (1895–1983), U.S. – geodesic dome
- Ivan Fyodorov, (c. 1510–1583), Russia/Poland–Lithuania – invented multibarreled mortar, introduced printing in Russia
- Svyatoslav Fyodorov, (1927–2000), Russia – radial keratotomy
- Vladimir Fyodorov, (1874–1966), Russia – Fedorov Avtomat (first self-loading battle rifle, arguably the first assault rifle)
دەستکاری- Dennis Gabor, (1900–1979), UK – holography
- Boris Borisovich Galitzine, (1862–1916), Russia – electromagnetic seismograph
- Dmitri Garbuzov, (1940–2006), Russia/U.S. – continuous-wave-operating diode lasers (together with Zhores Alferov), high-power diode lasers
- Elmer R. Gates, (1859–1923), USA – foam fire extinguisher, electric loom mechanisms, magnetic & diamagnetic separators, educational toy ("box & blocks")
- Richard J. Gatling, (1818–1903), U.S. – wheat drill, first successful machine gun
- Georgy Gause, (1910–1986), Russia – gramicidin S, neomycin, lincomycin and other دژە زیندەیی
- E. K. Gauzen, Russia – three bolt equipment (early diving costume)
- ھانس گایگەر, (1882–1945), Germany – Geiger counter
- Andrey Geim, (1958–), Russia/United Kingdom – graphene
- Nestor Genko, (1839–1904), Russia – Genko's Forest Belt (the first large-scale windbreak system)
- Henri Giffard, (1825–1882), France – powered airship, injector
- Valentyn Glushko, (1908–1989), Russia – hypergolic propellant, electric propulsion, Soviet rocket engines (including world's most powerful liquid-fuel rocket engine RD-170)
- Heinrich Göbel, (1818–1893), Germany – incandescent lamp
- Leonid Gobyato, (1875–1915), Russia – first modern man-portable mortar
- Robert Goddard, (1882–1945), U.S. – liquid fuel rocket
- Robert W. Gore, (1937), United States – Gore-Tex
- Igor Gorynin, (1926–), Russia – weldable تیتانیۆم alloys, high strength فافۆن alloys, radiation-hardened steels
- Peter Carl Goldmark, (1906–1977), Hungary – vinyl record (LP), CBS color television
- Charles Goodyear, (1800–1860), U.S. – vulcanization of rubber
- Gordon Gould, (1920–2005), U.S. – co-inventor of laser
- Richard Hall Gower, (1768–1833), UK – ship's hull and rigging
- Boris Grabovsky, (1901–1966), Russia – cathode commutator, an early electronic TV pickup tube
- Bette Nesmith Graham, (1924–1980), U.S. – Liquid Paper
- Temple Grandin, (1945–), Inventor of the squeeze machine and humane abattoirs.
- James Henry Greathead, (1844–1896), South Africa – tunnel boring machine, tunnelling shield technique
- Chester Greenwood, (1858–1937), U.S. – thermal earmuffs
- James Gregory, (1638–1675), Scotland – Gregorian telescope
- William Robert Grove, (1811–1896), Wales – fuel cell
- Gustav Guanella, (1909–1982), Switzerland - DSSS, Guanella-Balun
- Otto von Guericke, (1602–1686), Germany – vacuum pump, manometer, dasymeter
- Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, (1738–1814), France – Guillotine, a device for human decapitation
- Mikhail Gurevich, (1893–1976), Russia – MiG-series fighter aircraft, including world's most produced jet aircraft MiG-15 and most produced supersonic aircraft MiG-21 (together with Artem Mikoyan)
- یۆھانس گووتنبێرگ, (c. 1390s–1468), Germany – movable type printing press
- Samuel Guthrie, (1782–1848), U.S. – discovered chloroform
دەستکاری- John Hadley, (1682–1744), UK – Octant
- Waldemar Haffkine, (1860–1930), Russia/Switzerland – first anti-کۆلێرا and anti-plague vaccines
- Tracy Hall, (1919–2008 ), U.S. – synthetic diamond
- John Hays Hammond, Jr., (1888–1965), U.S. - radio control
- James Hargreaves, (1720–1778), UK – spinning jenny
- John Harington, (1561–1612), UK – the flush toilet
- John Harrison, (1693–1776), UK – marine chronometer
- Victor Hasselblad, (1906–1978), Sweden – invented the 6 x 6 cm single-lens reflex camera
- ئیبن ئەلھەیسەم (Alhazen), (965–1039), عێراق – camera obscura, pinhole camera, magnifying glass
- George H. Heilmeier, (1936–), U.S. – liquid crystal display (LCD)
- Robert A. Heinlein, (1907–1988), U.S. – waterbed
- Jozef Karol Hell, (1713–1789), سلۆڤاکیا – the water pillar
- Rudolf Hell, (1901–2002), Germany – the Hellschreiber
- Joseph Henry, (1797–1878), Scotland/U.S. – electromagnetic relay
- Heron, (c. 10–70), Roman Egypt – usually credited with invention of the aeolipile, although it may have been described a century earlier
- John Herschel, (1792–1871), UK – photographic fixer (hypo), actinometer
- William Herschel, (1738–1822), UK – تیشکی ژێر سوور
- Heinrich Hertz, (1857–1894), Germany – radio telegraphy, تیشکدانی کارۆموگناتیسی
- George de Hevesy, (1885–1966), Hungary – radioactive tracer
- Rowland Hill, (1795–1879), UK – postage stamp
- Maurice Hilleman, (1919–2005) – vaccines against childhood diseases
- Ted Hoff, (1937–), U.S. – microprocessor
- Felix Hoffmann (Bayer), (1868–1949), Germany – ئەسپیرین
- Albert Hofmann, (1906–2008), Switzerland - LSD
- Herman Hollerith, (1860–1929), U.S. – recording data on a machine readable medium, tabulator, punched cards
- Nick Holonyak, (1928–), U.S. – LED (Light Emitting Diode)
- ڕۆبێرت ھوک, (1635–1703), UK – balance wheel, iris diaphragm, acoustic telephone
- Erna Schneider Hoover, (1926–), U.S. – computerized telephone switching system
- Frank Hornby, (1863–1936), UK – invented Meccano
- Coenraad Johannes van Houten, (1801–1887), Netherlands – cocoa powder, cacao butter, chocolate milk
- Elias Howe, (1819–1867), U.S. – sewing machine
- Muhammad Husayn, (fl.17th century), Persia/ئێران – cartographic Qibla indicator with sundial and compass
- Christiaan Huygens, (1629–1695), Netherlands – pendulum clock
دەستکاری- Gavriil Ilizarov, (1921–1992), Russia – Ilizarov apparatus, external fixation, distraction osteogenesis
- Sergey Ilyushin, (1894–1977), Russia – Il-series aircraft, including Ilyushin Il-2 bomber (the most produced military aircraft in history)
- János Irinyi, (1817–1895), Hungary – noiseless match
- Aleksei Isaev, (1908–1971), Russia – first rocket-powered fighter aircraft, BI-1 (together with Isaev)
- Ub Iwerks, (1901–1971), U. S. – Multiplane camera for animation
دەستکاری- Jabir ibn Aflah (Geber), (c. 1100–1150), Islamic Spain – portable celestial globe
- Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber), (c. 721–815), Persia/ئێران – pure distillation, liquefaction, purification, retort, mineral acids, nitric and sulfuric acids, hydrochloric acid, aqua regia, alum, alkali, borax, pure sal ammoniac, lead carbonatic, زەڕنیخ, ئەنتیموان, بیزمۆت, pure mercury and گۆگرد, plated mail
- Moritz von Jacobi, (1801–1874), Germany/Russia – electrotyping, electric boat
- Karl Guthe Jansky, (1905–1950), U.S. – radio telescope
- Karl Jatho, (1873–1933), Germany – فڕۆکە
- ئەلجەزەری, (1136–1206), عێراق – crank-driven and hydropowered saqiya chain pump, crank-driven screw and screwpump, elephant clock, weight-driven clock, weight-driven pump, reciprocating piston suction pump, geared and hydropowered water supply system, programmable humanoid robots, robotics, hand washing automata, flush mechanism, lamination, static balancing, paper model, sand casting, molding sand, intermittency, linkage
- ئەحمەد کوڕی جەزار (Algizar), (c. 898–980), توونس – sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction treatment drugs
- ستیڤ جۆبز, (1955–2011), U.S. – Apple مەکینتۆش computer, ئایپۆد, ئایفۆن, ئایپاد and countless other devices and software operating systems and applications
- Charles Francis Jenkins, (1867–1934) – تەلەڤیزیۆن and movie projector (Phantoscope)
- Carl Edvard Johansson, (1864–1943), Sweden – Gauge blocks
- Johan Petter Johansson, (1853–1943), Sweden – the pipe wrench and the modern adjustable spanner
- Scott A. Jones, (1960–), U.S. – created one of the most successful versions of voicemail as well as ChaCha Search, a human-assisted ئینتەرنێت search engine.
- Whitcomb Judson, (1836–1909), U.S. – zipper
دەستکاری- Mikhail Kalashnikov, (1919–), Russia – کەلاشنیکۆڤ and AK-74 assault rifles (the most produced ever)[٤]
- Kaldi, (fl.9th century), ئیتیۆپیا – coffee
- Dean Kamen, (1951–), U.S. – Invented the Segway HT scooter and the IBOT Mobility Device
- Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, (1853–1926), Netherlands – liquid helium
- Nikolay Kamov, (1902–1973), Russia – armored battle autogyro, Ka-series coaxial rotor ھەلیکۆپتەرs
- Pyotr Kapitsa, (1894–1984), Russia – first ultrastrong کادی مەگنەتیسی creating techniques, basic low-temperature physics inventions
- Georgii Karpechenko, (1899–1941), Russia – rabbage (the first ever non-sterile hybrid obtained through the crossbreeding)
- Jamshīd al-Kāshī, (c. 1380–1429), Persia/ئێران – plate of conjunctions, analog planetary computer
- Yevgeny Kaspersky, (1965–), Russia – Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Mobile Security anti-virus products
- Adolphe Kégresse, (1879–1943), France/Russia – Kégresse track (first half-track and first off-road vehicle with continuous track), dual clutch transmission
- Mstislav Keldysh, (1911–1978), لاتڤیا/Russia – co-developer of سپوتنیک-١ (the first artificial satellite) together with Korolyov and Tikhonravov
- John Harvey Kellogg, (1852–1943), cornflake breakfasts
- John George Kemeny, (1926–1992), Hungary – co-inventor of BASIC
- Alexander Kemurdzhian, (1921–2003), Russia – first space exploration rover (Lunokhod)
- Kerim Kerimov, (1917–2003), ئازەربایجان and Russia – co-developer of human spaceflight, space dock, space station
- Charles F. Kettering, (1876–1958), U.S. – invented automobile self-starter ignition, Freon ethyl gasoline and more
- Fazlur Khan, (1929–1982), بەنگلادێش – structural systems for high-rise skyscrapers
- Yulii Khariton, (1904–1996), Russia – chief designer of the Soviet atomic bomb, co-developer of the Tsar Bomb
- Anatoly Kharlampiev, (1906–1979), Russia – Sambo (martial art)
- Al-Khazini, (fl.1115–1130), Persia/ئێران – hydrostatic balance
- Konstantin Khrenov, (1894–1984), Russia – underwater welding
- Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi, (c. 940–1000), Persia/ئێران – astronomical sextant
- محەممەد کوڕی مووسا ئەلخوارزمی (Algoritmi), (c. 780-850), Persia/ئێران – modern algebra, mural instrument, horary quadrant, Sine quadrant, shadow square
- Erhard Kietz, (1909–1982), Germany & U.S.A. – signal improvements for video transmissions[٥]
- Jack Kilby, (1923–2005), U.S. – patented the first integrated circuit
- Al-Kindi (Alkindus), (801–873), عێراق/یەمەن – ئێتانۆل, pure distilled alcohol, cryptanalysis, frequency analysis
- Fritz Klatte, (1880–1934), Germany – vinyl chloride, forerunner to polyvinyl chloride
- Margaret E. Knight, (1838–1914), U.S. – machine that completely constructs box-bottom brown paper bags
- Ivan Knunyants, (1906–1990), ئەرمەنستان/Russia – capron, Nylon 6, polyamide-6
- Robert Koch, (1843–1910), Germany – method for culturing bacteria on solid media
- Willem Johan Kolff, (1911–2009), Netherlands – artificial kidney hemodialysis machine
- Rudolf Kompfner, (1909–1977), U.S. – Traveling-wave tube
- Konstantin Konstantinov, (1817 or 1819–1871), Russia – device for measuring flight speed of projectiles, ballistic rocket pendulum, launch pad, rocket-making machine
- Sergey Korolyov, (1907–1966), ئوکراینا/Russia – first successful intercontinental ballistic missile (R-7 Semyorka), R-7 rocket family, سپوتنیک-١s (including the first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite), Vostok program (including the first human spaceflight)
- Nikolai Korotkov, (1874–1920), Russia – auscultatory technique for تهوژمی خوێن measurement
- Semen Korsakov, (1787–1853), Russia – punched card for information storage
- Mikhail Koshkin, (1898–1940), Russia – T-34 medium tank, the best and most produced tank of شەڕی جیھانیی دووەم[٦]
- Ognjeslav Kostović, (1851–1916), سربیا/Russia – arborite (high-strength plywood, an early plastic)
- Gleb Kotelnikov, (1872–1944), Russia – knapsack parachute, drogue parachute
- Alexei Krylov, (1863–1945), Russia – gyroscopic damping of ships
- Ivan Kulibin, (1735–1818), Russia – egg-shaped clock, مۆم searchlight, elevator using screw mechanisms, a self-rolling carriage featuring a flywheel, brake, gear box, and bearing, an early optical telegraph
- Igor Kurchatov, (1903–1960), Russia – first nuclear power plant, first nuclear reactors for submarines and surface ships
- Raymond Kurzweil, (1948–), Optical character recognition; flatbed scanner
- Stephanie Kwolek, (1923–), U.S. – Kevlar
- John Howard Kyan (1774–1850), Ireland – The process of Kyanization used for wood preservation
دەستکاری- Dmitry Lachinov, (1842–1902), Russia – mercury pump, economizer for electricity consumption, electrical insulation tester, ئۆپتیک dynamometer, photometer, elecrolyser
- René Laënnec, (1781–1826), France – stethoscope
- Lala Balhumal Lahuri, (c. 1842), Mughal India – seamless globe and celestial globe
- Georges Lakhovsky, (1869–1942), Russia/U.S. – Multiple Wave Oscillator
- Hedy Lamarr, (1914–2000), Austria and U.S. – Spread spectrum ڕادیۆ
- Edwin H. Land, (1909–1991), U.S. – Polaroid polarizing filters and the Land Camera
- Samuel P. Langley, (1834–1906), U.S. – bolometer
- Irving Langmuir, (1851–1957), U.S. – gas filled incandescent light bulb, hydrogen welding
- Lewis Latimer, (1848–1928), U.S. – Invented the modern day light bulb
- Gustav de Laval, (1845–1913), Sweden – invented the milk separator and the milking machine
- Semyon Lavochkin, (1900–1960), Russia – La-series aircraft, first operational surface-to-air missile S-25 Berkut
- John Bennet Lawes, (1814–1900), UK – superphosphate or chemical fertilizer
- Nikolai Lebedenko, Russia – Tsar Tank, the largest armored vehicle in history
- Sergei Lebedev, (1874–1934), Russia – commercially viable synthetic rubber
- ئانتۆنی ڤان لیڤنھووک, (1632–1723), Netherlands – development of the وردبین
- Jerome H. Lemelson, (1923–1997), U.S – Inventions in the fields in which he patented make possible, wholly or in part, innovations like automated warehouses, industrial robots, cordless telephones, fax machines, videocassette recorders, camcorders, and the magnetic tape drive used in Sony's Walkman tape players.
- Jean-Joseph Etienne Lenoir, (1822–1900), Belgium – بزوێنەری سووتانی ناوەکی, motorboat
- R. G. LeTourneau, (1888–1969), U.S.- electric wheel, motor scraper, mobile oil drilling platform, bulldozer, cable control unit for scrapers
- Willard Frank Libby, (1908–1980), U.S. – radiocarbon dating
- Justus von Liebig, (1803–1873), Germany – نایترۆجین-based fertilizer
- Otto Lilienthal, (1848–1896), Germany – hang glider
- Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist, (1862–1931), Sweden – Kerosene stove operated by compressed air
- Hans Lippershey, (1570–1619), Netherlands – تێلیسکۆپ
- Lisitsyn brothers, Ivan Fyodorovich and Nazar Fyodorovich, Russia – samovar (the first documented makers)
- William Howard Livens, (1889–1964), UK – chemical warfare – Livens Projector.
- Alexander Lodygin, (1847–1923), Russia – electrical filament, incandescent light bulb with tungsten filament
- Mikhail Lomonosov, (1711–1765), Russia – night vision telescope, off-axis reflecting telescope, coaxial rotor, re-invented smalt
- Yury Lomonosov, (1876–1952), Russia/United Kingdom – first successful mainline diesel locomotive
- Aleksandr Loran, (1849 – after 1911), Russia – fire fighting foam, foam extinguisher
- Oleg Losev, (1903–1942), Russia – light-emitting diode, crystadine
- Archibald Low, (1882–1956), Britain – Pioneer of radio guidance systems
- Auguste and Louis Lumière, France – Cinématographe
- Gleb Lozino-Lozinskiy, (1909–2001), Russia – Buran (spacecraft), Spiral project
- Ignacy Łukasiewicz, (1822–1882), Poland – modern kerosene lamp
- Giovanni Luppis, (1813–1875), Austrian Empire (ethnical Italian) – self-propelled torpedo
- Ali Kashmiri ibn Luqman, (fl.1589–1590), Mughal India – seamless globe and celestial globe
- Arkhip Lyulka, (1908–1984), Russia – first double jet turbofan engine, other Soviet aircraft engines
دەستکاری- Ma Jun, (c. 200–265), China – South Pointing Chariot (see differential gear), mechanical puppet شانۆ, chain pumps, improved silk looms
- Aleksandr Makarov, Russia/Germany – Orbitrap mass spectrometer
- Stepan Makarov, (1849–1904), Russia – Icebreaker Yermak, the first true icebreaker able to ride over and crush pack ice
- Nestor Makhno, (1888–1934), ئوکراینا/Russia – tachanka
- Charles Macintosh, (1766–1843), Scotland – waterproof raincoat, life vest
- Victor Makeev, (1924–1985), Russia – first submarine-launched ballistic missile
- Dmitri Dmitrievich Maksutov, (1896–1964), Russia – Maksutov telescope
- Sergey Malyutin, (1859–1937), Russia – designed the first matryoshka doll (together with Vasily Zvyozdochkin)
- Al-Ma'mun, (786–833), عێراق – singing bird automata, terrestrial globe
- Boris Mamyrin, (1919–2007), Russia – reflectron (ion mirror)
- Ahmad Ali MOlania jelodar, (1985 çalak) - Iran, USA Hilberandina sermirovan - li Wezareta Parastinê zêdetirî 7,000 dahênan Iran
- George William Manby, (1765–1854), UK – Fire extinguisher
- Guglielmo Marconi, (1874–1937), Italy – ڕادیۆ telegraphy
- John Landis Mason, (1826–1902), U.S. – Mason jars
- John W. Mauchly, (1907–1980), U.S. – ENIAC - the first general purpose programmable digital computer
- Henry Maudslay, (1771–1831), UK – screw-cutting lathe, bench micrometer
- Hiram Maxim, (1840–1916), USA born, UK – First self-powered machine gun
- جەیمز کلێرک ماکسوێڵ (1831–1879) and Thomas Sutton, Scotland – color photography
- Stanley Mazor, (1941–), U.S. – microprocessor
- John McAdam, (1756–1836), Scotland – improved "macadam" road surface
- Elijah McCoy, (1843–1929), Canada – Displacement lubricator
- Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, (1845–1916), Russia – probiotics
- Hippolyte Mège-Mouriés, (1817–1880), France – margarine
- دیمیتری مەندەلیێڤ, (1834–1907), Russia – خشتەی خولی, pycnometer, pyrocollodion, also credited with determining the ideal vodka proof as 38% (later rounded to 40%)
- Antonio Meucci, (1808–1889), Italy – تەلەفۆن (prototype)
- Édouard Michelin, (1859–1940), France – pneumatic tire
- Anthony Michell, (1870–1959), Australia – tilting pad thrust bearing, crankless engine
- Artem Mikoyan, (1905–1970), ئەرمەنستان/Russia – MiG-series fighter aircraft, including world's most produced jet aircraft MiG-15 and most produced supersonic aircraft MiG-21 (together with Mikhail Gurevich)
- Alexander Mikulin, (1895–1985), Russia – Mikulin AM-34 and other Soviet aircraft engines, co-developer of the Tsar Tank
- Mikhail Mil, (1909—1970), Russia – Mi-series ھەلیکۆپتەر aircraft, including Mil Mi-8 (the world's most-produced helicopter) and Mil Mi-12 (the world's largest helicopter)
- Pavel Molchanov, (1893–1941), Russia – radiosonde
- Jules Montenier, (1895–1962), U.S. – modern anti-perspirant deodorant
- Montgolfier brothers, (1740–1810) and (1745–1799), France – hot air balloon
- John J. Montgomery, (1858–1911), U.S. – heavier-than-air gliders
- Narcis Monturiol i Estarriol, (1819–1885), Spain – steam powered submarine
- Robert Moog, (1934–2005), U.S. – the Moog synthesizer
- Roland Moreno, (1945–2012), France – inventor of the smart card
- Samuel Morey, (1762–1843), U.S. – internal combustion engine
- Garrett A. Morgan, (1877–1963), U.S. – inventor of the gas mask, and traffic signal.
- Samuel Morse, (1791–1872), U.S. – telegraph
- Alexander Morozov, (1904–1979), Russia – T-54/55 (the most produced tank in history), co-developer of T-34
- Sergei Ivanovich Mosin, (1849–1902), Russia – Mosin–Nagant rifle
- Motorins, Ivan Feodorovich (1660s–1735) and his son Mikhail Ivanovich (?–1750), Russia – Tsar Bell
- Vera Mukhina, (1889–1953), Russia – welded sculpture
- Al-Muqaddasi, (c. 946–1000), فەلەستین – restaurant
- Ibn Khalaf al-Muradi, (fl.11th century), Islamic Spain – geared mechanical کاتژمێر, segmental gear, epicyclic gearing
- William Murdoch, (1754–1839), Scotland – Gas lighting
- Jozef Murgas, (1864–1929), سلۆڤاکیا – inventor of the wireless telegraph (forerunner of the radio)
- Evgeny Murzin, (1914–1970), Russia – ANS synthesizer
- Banū Mūsā brothers, Muhammad (c. 800-873), Ahmad (803-873), Al-Hasan (810-873), عێراق – mechanical trick devices, hurricane lamp, self-trimming and self-feeding lamp, gas mask, clamshell grab, fail-safe system, mechanical ئامێری مۆسیقا, automatic flute player, programmable machine
- Pieter van Musschenbroek, (1692–1761), Netherlands – Leyden jar, pyrometer
- Eadweard Muybridge, (1830–1904), UK – فیلم
- Fe del Mundo, (1911–2011), The Philippines – medical incubator made out of bamboo for use in rural communities without electrical power
دەستکاری- Alexander Nadiradze, (1914–1987), Georgia/Russia – first mobile ICBM (RT-21 Temp 2S), first reliable mobile ICBM (RT-2PM Topol)
- John Napier, (1550–1617), Scotland – logarithms
- James Naismith, (1861–1939), Canadian born, USA – invented تۆپی باسکە and تۆپی پێی ئەمریکی helmet
- Yoshiro Nakamatsu, (1928–), Japan – فلۆپی دیسک, "PyonPyon" spring shoes, digital watch, CinemaScope, armchair "Cerebrex", sauce pump, taxicab meter
- Andrey Nartov, (1683–1756), Russia – first lathe with a mechanic cutting tool-supporting carriage and a set of gears, fast-fire battery on a rotating disc, screw mechanism for changing the artillery fire angle, gauge-boring lathe for cannon-making, early telescopic sight
- James Nasmyth, (1808–1890), Scotland – steam hammer
- Nebuchadrezzar II, (c. 630–562 BC), عێراق (مێزۆپۆتامیا) – screw, screwpump
- Ted Nelson, (1937–), USA – سەروودەق, Hypermedia
- Sergey Nepobedimiy, (1921–), Russia – first supersonic anti-tank guided missile Sturm, other Soviet rocket weaponry
- John von Neumann, (1903–1957), Hungary – Von Neumann computer architecture
- ئیساک نیوتۆن,(1642–1727), UK – reflecting telescope (which reduces chromatic aberration)
- Joseph Nicephore Niépce, (1765–1833), France – photography
- Nikolai Nikitin, (1907–1973), Russia – prestressed concrete with wire ropes structure (Ostankino Tower), Nikitin-Travush 4000 project (precursor to X-Seed 4000)
- Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, (1860–1940), Germany – Nipkow disk
- Jun-Ichi Nishizawa, (1926–), Japan – Optical communication system, SIT/SITh (Static Induction Transistor/Thyristor), Laser diode, PIN diode
- Alfred Nobel, (1833–1896), Sweden – dynamite
- Ludvig Nobel, (1831–1888), Sweden/Russia – first successful oil tanker
- Emmy Noether (1882–1935), Germany, groundbreaking contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics; Noether's Theorem
- Jean-Antoine Nollet, (1700–1770), France – Electroscope
- Carl Rickard Nyberg, (1858–1939), Sweden – the blowtorch
دەستکاری- Theophil Wilgodt Odhner, (1845–1903), Sweden/Russia – the Odhner Arithmometer, a mechanical calculator
- Paul Offit, United States, along with Fred Clark and Stanley Plotkin, invented a pentavalent Rotavirus vaccine
- Ransom Eli Olds, (1864–1950), United States – Assembly line
- Lucien Olivier, (1838–1883), Belgium or France / Russia – Russian salad (Olivier salad)
- J. Robert Oppenheimer, (1904–1967), United States – چەکی ناوەکی
- Edward Otho Cresap Ord, II, (1858–1923) American – weapon sights & mining
- Hans Christian Ørsted, (1777–1851), Denmark – کارۆموگناتیسی, فافۆن
- Elisha Otis, (1811–1861), U.S. – passenger elevator with safety device
- William Oughtred, (1575–1660), UK – slide rule
دەستکاری- لاری پەیج, (1973–), U.S. – with سێرگی برین invented Google web search engine
- Alexey Pajitnov, (born 1956), Russia/U.S. – Tetris
- Julio Palmaz, (1945–), Argentina – balloon-expandable, stent
- Helge Palmcrantz, (1842–1880), Sweden – the multi-barrel, lever-actuated, machine gun
- Daniel David Palmer, (1845–1913), Canada – chiropractic
- Luigi Palmieri, (1807–1896), Italy – seismometer
- Philip M. Parker, (1960–), U.S. – computer automated book authoring
- Alexander Parkes, (1831–1890), UK – celluloid
- Charles Algernon Parsons, (1854–1931), British – steam turbine
- Spede Pasanen, (1930–2001), Finland – ski jumping sling
- Blaise Pascal, (1623–1662), France – Pascal's calculator
- Gustaf Erik Pasch, (1788–1862), Sweden – safety match
- Les Paul, (1915–2009), U.S. – multitrack recording
- Nicolae Paulescu, (1869–1931), ڕۆمانیا – ئەنسۆلین
- Ivan Pavlov, (1849–1936), Russia, – classical conditioning
- John Pemberton, (1831–1888), U.S. – Coca-Cola
- Slavoljub Eduard Penkala, (1871–1922), کرواتیا – mechanical pencil
- Henry Perky, (1843–1906), U.S. – shredded wheat
- Stephen Perry, UK (fl. 19th century) – rubber band
- Aurel Persu, (1890–1977), Romania – first aerodynamic car, aluminum body with wheels included under the body, 1922
- Vladimir Petlyakov, (1891–1942), Russia – heavy bomber
- Peter Petroff, (1919–2004), بولگاریا – digital wrist watch, heart monitor, weather instruments
- Fritz Pfleumer, (1881–1945), Germany – magnetic tape
- Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov, (1810–1881), Russia – early use of ether as anaesthetic, first ھۆشبڕی in a field operation, various kinds of surgical operations
- Fyodor Pirotsky, (1845–1898), Russia – تڕام
- Arthur Pitney, (1871–1933), United States – postage meter
- Roy Plunkett, (1910-1994), United States – Teflon
- Joseph Plateau, (1801–1883), Belgium – phenakistiscope (stroboscope)
- Baltzar von Platen, (1898–1984), Sweden – gas absorption refrigerator
- James Leonard Plimpton, (1828–1911), U.S. – roller skates
- Ivan Plotnikov, (1902–1995), Russia – kirza leather
- Petrache Poenaru, (1799–1875), ڕۆمانیا – fountain pen
- Christopher Polhem, (1661–1751), Sweden – the modern padlock
- Nikolai Polikarpov, (1892–1944), Russia – Po-series aircraft, including Polikarpov Po-2 Kukuruznik[ڕوونکردنەوە پێویستە] (world's most produced biplane)
- Eugene Polley, (1915–2012), United States – wireless remote control (with ڕۆبێرت ئادلەر)
- Ivan Polzunov, (1728–1766), Russia – first two-cylinder steam engine
- Mikhail Pomortsev, (1851–1916), Russia – nephoscope
- Olivia Poole, (1889–1975), U.S., – the Jolly Jumper baby harness
- Alexander Popov, (1859–1906), Russia – lightning detector (the first lightning prediction system and radio receiver), co-inventor of ڕادیۆ
- Nikolay Popov, (1931–2008), Russia – first fully gas turbine main battle tank (T-80)
- Aleksandr Porokhovschikov, (1892–1941), Russia – Vezdekhod (the first prototype tank, or tankette, and the first caterpillar amphibious ATV)
- Valdemar Poulsen, (1869–1942), Denmark – magnetic wire recorder, arc converter
- Joseph Priestley, (1733–1804), UK – soda water
- Alexander Procofieff de Seversky, (1894–1974), Russia/United States of America – first gyroscopically stabilized bombsight, ionocraft, also developed air-to-air refueling
- Alexander Prokhorov, (1916–2002), Russia – co-inventor of laser and maser
- Petro Prokopovych, (1775–1850), ئوکراینا/Russia – early beehive frame, queen excluder and other beekeeping novelties
- Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky, (1863–1944), Russia/France – early colour photography method based on three colour channels, also colour film slides and colour فیلم
- George Pullman, (1831–1897), U.S. – Pullman sleep wagon
- Michael I. Pupin, (1858–1935), سربیا – pupinization (loading coils), tunable oscillator
- Tivadar Puskas, (1844–1893), Hungary – telephone exchange
دەستکاری- Hasan al-Rammah, (fl.1270s), سووریا – purified potassium nitrate, explosive gunpowder, torpedo
- ھارون ڕەشید, (763-809), Persia/ئێران – public hospital, medical school
- ئەبووبەکر ڕازی (Rhazes), (865–965), Persia/ئێران – distillation and extraction methods, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, soap kerosene, kerosene lamp, chemotherapy, sodium hydroxide
- Alec Reeves, (1902–1971), UK – Pulse-code modulation
- Karl von Reichenbach, (1788–1869), paraffin, creosote oil, phenol
- Ira Remsen, (1846–1927), U.S. – saccharin
- Ralf Reski, (1958–), Germany – Moss bioreactor 1998
- Josef Ressel, (1793–1857), چێکۆسلۆڤاکیا – ship propeller
- Charles Francis Richter, (1900–1985), U.S. – Richter magnitude scale
- Adolph Rickenbacker, (1886–1976), Switzerland – Electric guitar
- Hyman George Rickover, (1900–1986), U.S. – Nuclear submarine
- John Roebuck, (1718–1794) UK – lead chamber process for sulfuric acid synthesis
- Heinrich Rohrer, (1933–2013), Switzerland – with Gerd Binnig, scanning tunneling microscope
- Peter I the Great (Pyotr Alexeyevich Romanov), Tsar and Emperor of Russia, (1672–1725), Russia – decimal currency, yacht club, sounding line with separating plummet (sounding weight probe)
- ڤیلھێڵم ڕۆنتگن, (1845–1923), Germany – the X-ray machine
- Ida Rosenthal, (1886–1973), بیلاڕووس/Russia/United States – modern brassiere (Maidenform), the standard of cup sizes, nursing bra, full-figured bra, the first seamed uplift bra (all with her husband William)
- Boris Rosing, (1869–1933), Russia – CRT television (first TV system using CRT on the receiving side)
- Eugene Roshal, (1972–), Russia – FAR file manager, RAR file format, WinRAR file archiver
- Ernő Rubik, (1944–), Hungary – Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Magic and Rubik's Clock
- Ernst Ruska, (1906–1988), Germany – electron microscope
دەستکاری- Alexander Sablukov, (1783–1857), Russia – centrifugal fan
- Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu, (1385–1468), تورکیا – illustrated surgical atlas
- Gilles Saint-Hilaire, (1948–), کەنەدا – Quasiturbine Qurbine
- Andrei Sakharov, (1921–1989), Russia – invented explosively pumped flux compression generator, co-developed the Tsar Bomb and tokamak
- Ibn Samh, (c. 1020), Middle East – mechanical geared ئیسترلاب
- Franz San Galli, (1824–1908), Poland/Russia (Italian and German descent) – radiator, modern central heating
- Alberto Santos-Dumont, (1873–1932), بەڕازیل – non-rigid airship and فڕۆکە
- Arthur William Savage, (1857–1938) – radial tires, gun magazines, Savage Model 99 lever action rifle
- Thomas Savery, (1650–1715), UK – steam engine
- Adolphe Sax, (1814–1894), Belgium – saxophone
- Bela Schick, (1877–1967), Hungary – diphtheria test
- Pavel Schilling, (1786–1837), ئەستۆنیا/Russia – first electromagnetic telegraph, mine with an electric fuse
- Masatoshi Shima, (1943–), Japan – microprocessor
- Christian Schnabel (1878–1936), German – simplistic food cutleries
- Kees A. Schouhamer Immink (1946–), Netherlands – Major contributor to development of Compact Disc
- August Schrader, (1820–?), U.S. – Schrader valve for Pneumatic tire
- David Schwarz, (1852–1897), کرواتیا, – rigid ship, later called Zeppelin
- Marc Seguin, (1786–1875), France – wire-cable suspension bridge
- Sennacherib, (705–681 BC), عێراق (مێزۆپۆتامیا) – screw pump
- Iwan Serrurier, (active 1920s), Netherlands/U.S. – inventor of the Moviola for film editing
- Mark Serrurier, (190?–1988), U.S. – Serrurier truss for Optical telescopes
- Gerhard Sessler, (1931–), Germany – foil electret microphone, silicon microphone
- Guy Severin, (1926–2008), Russia – extra-vehicular activity supporting system
- Leonty Shamshurenkov, (1687–1758), Russia – first self-propelling carriage (a precursor to both پاسکیل and automobile), projects of an original odometer and self-propelling sledge
- Ibn al-Shatir, (1304–1375), سووریا – "jewel box" device which combined a compass with a universal sundial
- Shen Kuo, (1031–1095), China – improved gnomon, armillary sphere, clepsydra, and sighting tube
- Murasaki Shikibu, (c. 973–1025), Japan – ڕۆمان, psychological novel
- Pyotr Shilovsky, (1871 – after 1924), Russia/United Kingdom – gyrocar
- Fathullah Shirazi, (c. 1582), Mughal India – early volley gun
- William Bradford Shockley, (1910–1989), U.S. – co-inventor of transistor
- Henry Shrapnel, (1761–1842), UK – Shrapnel shell ammunition
- Vladimir Shukhov, (1853–1939), Russia – thermal cracking (Shukhov cracking process), thin-shell structure, tensile structure, hyperboloid structure, gridshell, modern oil pipeline, cylindric oil depot
- Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, (1972–), مالیزیا – cell growth in outer space, crystallization of پرۆتینs and وردەئۆرگانیزمs in space
- Augustus Siebe, (1788–1872), Germany/UK – Inventor of the standard diving dress
- Sir William Siemens, (1823–1883), Germany – regenerative furnace
- Werner von Siemens, (1816–1892), Germany – an electromechanical "dynamic"
- Al-Sijzi, (c. 945–1020), Persia/ئێران – heliocentric ئیسترلاب
- Igor Sikorsky, (1889–1972), Russia/U.S. – first four-engine fixed-wing aircraft (Russky Vityaz), first airliner and purpose-designed bomber (Ilya Muromets), modern ھەلیکۆپتەر, Sikorsky-series helicopters
- Kia Silverbrook, (1958–), Australia – Memjet printer, world's most prolific inventor
- Vladimir Simonov, (1935–), Russia – APS Underwater Assault Rifle, SPP-1 underwater pistol
- Charles Simonyi, (1948–), Hungary – Hungarian notation
- Ibn Sina (Avicenna), (973–1037), Persia/ئێران – steam distillation, essential oil, pharmacopoeia, clinical pharmacology, clinical trial, randomized controlled trial, quarantine, شێرپەنجە surgery, cancer therapy, pharmacotherapy, phytotherapy, Hindiba, Taxus baccata L, calcium channel blocker
- Isaac Singer, (1811–1875), U.S. – sewing machine
- B. F. Skinner, (1904–1990), U.S. -- Operant conditioning chamber
- Nikolay Slavyanov, (1854–1897), Russia – shielded metal arc welding
- Alexander Smakula, (1900–1983), ئوکراینا/Russia/U.S. – anti-reflective coating
- Yefim Smolin, Russia – table-glass (stakan granyonyi)
- Igor Spassky, (1926–), Russia – Sea Launch platform
- Percy Spencer, (1894–1970), U.S. – microwave oven
- Elmer Ambrose Sperry, (1860–1930), U.S. – gyroscope-guided automatic pilot
- Ladislas Starevich, (1882–1965), Russia/France – puppet animation, live-action/animated film
- Gary Starkweather, (1938–), U.S. – laser printer, color management
- Boris Stechkin, (1891–1969), Russia – co-developer of Sikorsky Ilya Muromets and Tsar Tank, developer of Soviet heat and aircraft engines
- George Stephenson, (1781–1848), UK – steam railway
- Simon Stevin, (1548–1620), Netherlands – land yacht
- Andreas Stihl (1896–1973), Switzerland/Germany – Electric chain saw
- Reverend Dr Robert Stirling (1790–1878), Scotland – Stirling engine
- Aurel Stodola, (1859–1942), سلۆڤاکیا – gas turbines
- Aleksandr Stoletov, (1839–1896), Russia – first solar cell based on the outer دیاردەی کاریگەری کارۆڕووناکی
- Levi Strauss, (1829–1902), U.S. – blue jeans
- John Stringfellow, (1799–1883), UK – aerial steam carriage
- Almon Strowger, (1839–1902), U.S. – automatic telephone exchange
- Su Song, (1020–1101), China – first chain drive
- Pavel Sukhoi, (1895–1975), Russia – Su-series fighter aircraft
- Simon Sunatori, (1959–), Canada – inventor of MagneScribe and Magic Spicer
- Sushruta, (600 BC), Vedic India – inventor of Plastic Surgery, Cataract Surgery, Rhinoplasty
- Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi), (903–986), Persia/ئێران – timekeeping ئیسترلاب, navigational astrolabe, ڕووپێوی astrolabe
- Joseph Swan, (1828–1914), UK – Incandescent light bulb
- Robert Swanson, (1905–1994), Canada – Invented and developed the first multi-chime air horn for use with diesel locomotives
- Andrei Sychra, (1773-76 – 1850), لیتوانیا/Russia, Czech descent – Russian seven-string guitar
- Vladimir Syromyatnikov, (1933–2006), Russia – Androgynous Peripheral Attach System and other spacecraft docking mechanisms
- Leó Szilárd, (1898–1964), Hungary/U.S. – Co-developed the چەکی ناوەکی, patented the nuclear reactor, catalyst of the Manhattan Project
دەستکاری- Salih Tahtawi, (fl.1659–1660), Mughal India – seamless globe and celestial globe
- Igor Tamm, (1895–1971), Russia – co-developer of tokamak
- Taqi al-Din, (1526–1585), سووریا/میسر/تورکیا – steam turbine, six-cylinder 'Monobloc' suction pump, framed sextant
- Mardi bin Ali al-Tarsusi, (c. 1187), Middle East – counterweight trebuchet, mangonel
- Bernard Tellegen, (1900–1990), Netherlands – pentode
- Edward Teller, (1908–2003), Hungary – hydrogen bomb
- نیکۆلا تێسلا, (1856–1943), Serbia – Tesla Coil, induction motor, wireless communication
- Léon Theremin, (1896–1993), Russia – theremin, interlace, burglar alarm, terpsitone, Rhythmicon (first drum machine), The Thing (listening device)
- Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar, (1785–1870), France – Arithmometer
- Elihu Thomson, (1853–1937), UK, U.S. – Prolific inventor, Arc lamp and many others
- Eric Tigerstedt, (1887–1925), Finland – triode vacuum tube
- Kalman Tihanyi, (1897–1947), Hungary – co-inventor of cathode ray tube and iconoscope
- Mikhail Tikhonravov, (1900–1974), Russia – co-developer of سپوتنیک-١ (the first artificial satellite) together with Korolyov and Keldysh, designer of further سپوتنیک-١s
- Gavriil Adrianovich Tikhov, (1875–1960), Russia – feathering spectrograph
- Benjamin Chew Tilghman, (1821–1897), U.S. – sandblasting
- Fedor Tokarev, (1871–1968), Russia – TT-33 semiautomatic handgun and SVT-40 self-loading rifle
- Evangelista Torricelli, (1608–1647), Italy – بارۆمەتر
- Alfred Traeger, (1895–1980), Australia – the pedal radio
- Richard Trevithick, (1771–1833), UK – high-pressure steam engine, first full-scale steam locomotive
- Franc Trkman, (1903–1978), سلۆڤێنیا – electrical switches, accessories for opening windows
- Yuri Trutnev, (1927–), Russia – co-developer of the Tsar Bomb
- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, (1857–1935), Russia – spaceflight
- Mikhail Tsvet, (1872–1919), Russia – chromatography (specifically adsorption chromatography, the first chromatography method)
- Alexei Tupolev, (1925–2001), Russia – the Tupolev Tu-144 (first supersonic passenger jet)
- Andrei Tupolev, (1888–1972), Russia – turboprop powered long-range airliner (Tupolev Tu-114), turboprop strategic bomber (Tupolev Tu-95)
- Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī, (1201–1274), Persia/ئێران – observatory, Tusi-couple
- Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tūsī, (1135–1213), Persia/ئێران – linear ئیسترلاب
دەستکاری- Lewis Urry, (1927–2004), Canada – long-lasting alkaline battery
- Vladimir Utkin, (1923–2000), Russia – railcar-launched ICBM (RT-23 Molodets)
دەستکاری- Vladimir Sergeyevich Vakhmistrov, (1897–1972), Russia – first bomber with a parasite aircraft (Zveno project)
- Theophilus Van Kannel, (1841–1919), United States – revolving door (1888)
- Viktor Vasnetsov, (1848–1926), Russia – budenovka military hat
- Vladimir Veksler, (1907–1966), Russia – synchrophasotron, co-inventor of synchrotron
- John Venn, (1834–1923), UK – Venn diagram (1881)
- Pierre Vernier, (1580–1637), France – vernier scale (1631)
- Dmitry Vinogradov, (c.1720/25 – 1758), Russia – original Russian hard-paste porcelain (together with Mikhail Lomonosov)
- Louis R. Vitullo, (1924?–2006), United States – developed the first sexual assault evidence kit
- Alessandro Volta, (1745–1827), Italy – battery
- Faust Vrančić, (1551–1617), Croatia – parachute
- Traian Vuia, (1872–1950), Romania – designed, built, tested the first aircraft able to take off/land independently on its own wheels in 1906. Vuia reportedly flew to a height of 1 Meter and was able to stay aloft for 20 Meters.
- Ivan Vyrodkov, (1488–1563-64), Russia – battery tower
دەستکاری- Paul Walden, (1863–1957), لاتڤیا/Russia/Germany – Walden inversion, Ethylammonium nitrate (the first room temperature ionic liquid)
- Barnes Wallis, (1887–1979), UK – bouncing bomb
- Robert Watson-Watt, (1892–1973), Scotland – microwave radar
- جەیمز وات, (1736–1819), Scotland – improved Steam engine
- Thomas Wedgwood, (1771–1805), UK – first (not permanent) photograph
- Jonas Wenström, (1855–1893), Sweden – three-phase electrical power
- George Westinghouse, (1846–1914), U.S. – Air brake (rail)
- Charles Wheatstone, (1802–1875), UK – concertina, stereoscope, microphone, Playfair cipher
- Eli Whitney, (1765–1825), U.S. – the cotton gin
- Frank Whittle, (1907–1996), UK – co-inventor of the jet engine
- Otto Wichterle, (1913–1989), چێکۆسلۆڤاکیا – invented modern contact lenses
- Paul Winchell, (1922–2005), U.S. – the artificial heart
- A. Baldwin Wood, (1879–1956), U.S. – high volume pump
- Granville Woods, (1856–1910), U.S. – the Synchronous Multiplex Railway Telegraph
- Wright brothers, Orville (1871–1948) and Wilbur (1867–1912) – U.S. – powered airplane
- Arthur Wynne, (1862–1945), UK – creator of crossword puzzle
دەستکاری- Pavel Yablochkov, (1847–1894), Russia – Yablochkov candle (first commercially viable electric carbon arc lamp)
- Hidetsugu Yagi, (1886–1976), Japan – Yagi antenna
- Alexander Yakovlev, (1906–1989), Russia – Yak-series aircraft, including Yakovlev Yak-40 (the first regional jet)
- Khalid ibn Yazid, (635–704), سووریا/میسر – potassium nitrate
- Yi Xing, (683–727), China – astronomical clock
- Gazi Yasargil, (1925–), Turkey – Microneurosurgery
- Arthur M. Young, (1905–1995), U.S. – the Bell Helicopter
- Vladimir Yourkevitch, (1885–1964), Russia/France/U.S. – modern ship hull design
- Sergei Yudin, (1891–1954), Russia – cadaveric blood transfusion and other medical operations
- Muhammad Yunus, (1940–), بەنگلادێش – microcredit, microfinance
- Abu Yaqub Yusuf, (c. 1274), مەغریب/Spain – siege cannon
- Linus Yale, Jr., (1821–1868), U.S. – cylinder lock
- Linus Yale, Sr., (1797–1858), U.S. – pin tumbler lock
دەستکاری- Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis), (936–1013), Islamic Spain – catgut surgical suture, various surgical instruments and dental devices
- Alexander Zalmanov, (1875–1965), Russia – turpentine bath
- Ludwik Łazarz Zamenhof, (1859–1917) Russia/Poland – ئێسپێرانتۆ
- Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī (Arzachel), (1028–1087), Islamic Spain – almanac, equatorium, universal ئیسترلاب
- Yevgeny Zavoisky, (1907–1976), Russia – EPR spectroscopy, co-developer of NMR spectroscopy
- Nikolay Zelinsky, (1861–1953), Russia – the first effective filtering coal gas mask in the world
- Zhang Heng, (78–139), China – invented the first hydraulic-powered armillary sphere
- چینگ خا, (1371–1433), China – Chinese treasure ship
- Nikolai Zhukovsky, (1847–1921), Russia – an early wind tunnel, co-developer of the Tsar Tank
- Konrad Zuse, (1910–1995), Germany – invented the first Computer (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4)
- Vasily Zvyozdochkin, (1876–1956), Russia – matryoshka doll (together with Sergey Malyutin)
- Vladimir Zworykin, (1889–1982), Russia/U.S. – Iconoscope, kinescope.
دەستکاری- ^ Rigden، John S.؛ Stuewer، Roger H. (٢٠٠٩). The Physical Tourist: A Science Guide for the Traveler. Birkhauser.
- ^ Inventors and Inventions - Google Books. Books.google.ro. لە ڕەسەنەکە لە ٤ی شوباتی ٢٠١٤ ئەرشیڤ کراوە. لە ٢٢ی تشرینی یەکەمی ٢٠١٢ ھێنراوە.
- ^ Concept ProADVO: Invent More - Christopher Brown - Google Books. Books.google.ro. ٢٥ی حوزەیرانی ١٩٨٥. لە ڕەسەنەکە لە ٤ی شوباتی ٢٠١٤ ئەرشیڤ کراوە. لە ٢٢ی تشرینی یەکەمی ٢٠١٢ ھێنراوە.
- ^ Poyer, Joe. The AK-47 and AK-74 Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations. North Cape Publications. 2004.
- ^ «FPO IP Research & Communities». Freepatentsonline.com. لە ٢٢ی تشرینی یەکەمی ٢٠١٢ ھێنراوە.
- ^ Parada (n.d.)، George. «Panzerkampfwagen T-34(r)». Achtungpanzer.com. لە ١٧ی تشرینی دووەمی ٢٠٠٨ ھێنراوە.
ویکیمیدیا کامنز میدیای پەیوەندیداری بە پێڕستی داھێنەران تێدایە.