مۆدیوول:Citation/CS1/en: جیاوازیی نێوان پێداچوونەوەکان

ناوەڕۆکی سڕاو ناوەڕۆکی زیادکراو
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تاگ: گەڕێندراوە
ئەمە بۆیە کاکم جوابمان نایاتەوە 😋 بەس خۆی ئەزانێ چیکردووە…
تاگ: گەڕاندنەوەی دەستی
ھێڵی ١:
local numConv = require("module:Numeral converter2").convert
local cs1 ={};
--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------
local fetchName = require('مۆدیوول:lang').getname -- This code add by [[user:Mr. Ibrahem]] to fix language name.
local dates, year_date_check, reformat_dates, date_hyphen_to_dash, -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Date_validation
local check_date = require('مۆدیوول:Citation/CS1/dates').check_date
local dates, year_date_check, reformat_dates, date_hyphen_to_dash -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
local is_set, in_array, substitute, error_comment, set_error, select_one, -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Utilities
add_maint_cat, wrap_style, safe_for_italics, remove_wiki_linkis_wikilink, make_wikilink;
local z ={}; -- tables in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Utilities
local extract_ids, extract_id_access_levels, build_id_list, is_embargoed; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Identifiers
local make_coins_title, get_coins_pages, COinS; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/en/COinS
local cfg = {}; -- table of configuration tables that are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Configuration
local whitelist = {}; -- table of tables listing valid template parameter names; defined in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Whitelist
ھێڵی ٥٥:
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ P R O P _ C A T >--------------------------------------------------------
Adds a category to z.properties_cats using names from the configuration file with additional text if any.
foreign_lang_source and foreign_lang_source_2 keys have a language code appended to them so that multiple languages
may be categorized but multiples of the same language are not categorized.
added_prop_cats is a table declared in page scope variables above
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if not added_prop_cats [key] then
added_prop_cats [key] = true; -- note that we've added this category
key = key:gsub ('(foreign_lang_source_?2?)%a%a%a?', '%1'); -- strip lang code from keyname
table.insert( z.properties_cats, substitute (cfg.prop_cats [key], arguments)); -- make name then add to table
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ V A N C _ E R R O R >----------------------------------------------------
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the first character of the whole domain name including subdomains must be a letter or a digit
internationalized domain name (ascii characters with .xn-- ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) prefix xn-- in the tld) see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3490
single-letter/digit second-level domains in the .org TLDand .cash TLDs
q, x, and z SL domains in the .com TLD
i and q SL domains in the .net TLD
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elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d][%a%d%-]+[%a%d]%.xn%-%-[%a%d]+$') then -- internationalized domain name with ACE prefix
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d]%.orgcash$') then -- one character/digit .orgcash hostname
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d]%.org$') then -- one character/digit .org hostname
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a][qxz]%.com$') then -- assigned one character .com hostname (x.com times out 2015-12-10)
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return not is_url (scheme, domain); -- return true if value DOES NOT appear to be a valid url
--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ T I T L E _ O K >---------------------------------------------------
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if is_parameter_ext_wikilink (v) then -- look at the value; if there is a url add an error message
if is_set(error_message) then -- once we've added the first portion of the error message ...
error_message=error_message .. "،, "; -- ... add a comma space separator
error_message=error_message .. "&#124;" .. k .. "="; -- add the failed parameter
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['\n'] = ' ' } );
--[[--------------------------< E X T E R N A L _ L I N K >----------------------------------------------------
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if path then -- if there is a path portion
path = path:gsub ('[%[%]]', {['[']='%5b',[']']='%5d'}); -- replace '[' and ']' with their percent encoded values
URL = table.concat ({domain.., path}); -- and reassemble
base_url = table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url (label), "]" }); -- assemble a wikimarkup url
if is_set (access) then -- access level (subscription, registration, limited)
base_url = table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url( label ), "]" });
base_url = substitute (cfg.presentation['ext-link-access-signal'], {cfg.presentation[access].class, cfg.presentation[access].title, base_url}); -- add the appropriate icon
if is_set(access) then -- access level (free, paywalled, ...)
base_url = substitute(cfg.presentation[access], base_url);
return table.concat ({ base_url, error_str });
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--[[--------------------------< K E R N _ Q U O T E S >--------------------------------------------------------
--[=[-------------------------< K E R N _ Q U O T E S >--------------------------------------------------------
Apply kerning to open the space between the quote mark provided by the Module and a leading or trailing quote mark contained in a |title= or |chapter= parameter's value.
Apply kerning to open the space between the quote mark provided by the Module and a leading or trailing quote
mark contained in a |title= or |chapter= parameter's value.
This function will positive kern either single or double quotes:
"'Unkerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks'"
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Double single quotes (italic or bold wikimarkup) are not kerned.
Replaces unicode quotemarks within typewriterplain quotetext marksor regardlessin the label portion of thea need[[L|D]] forstyle kerning.wikilink with typewriter
quote marks regardless of the need for kerning. Unicode quote marks are not replaced in simple [[D]] wikilinks.
Call this function for chapter titles, for website titles, etc; not for book titles.
local function kern_quotes (str)
local cap='';
local cap2='';
local wl_type, label, link;
-- TODO: move this elswhere so that all title-holding elements get these quote marks replaced?
str= mw.ustring.gsub (str, '[“”]', '\"'); -- replace “” (U+201C & U+201D) with " (typewriter double quote mark)
wl_type, label, link = is_wikilink (str); -- wl_type is: 0, no wl (text in label variable); 1, [[D]]; 2, [[L|D]]
str= mw.ustring.gsub (str, '[‘’]', '\''); -- replace ‘’ (U+2018 & U+2019) with ' (typewriter single quote mark)
cap,if cap21 == str:matchwl_type ("^([\"\'])([^\'].+)");then -- match[[D]] leadingsimple doublewikilink with or singlewithout quote but not double single quotesmarks
if mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[[\"“”\'‘’].+[\"“”\'‘’]%]%]') then -- leading and trailing quote marks
if is_set (cap) then
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-leftwl-both'], {cap, cap2}str);
elseif mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[[\"“”\'‘’].+%]%]') then -- leading quote marks
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-wl-left'], str);
elseif mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[.+[\"“”\'‘’]%]%]') then -- trailing quote marks
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-wl-right'], str);
else -- plain text or [[L|D]]; text in label variable
cap, cap2 = str:match ("^(.+[^\'])([\"\'])$")
label= mw.ustring.gsub (label, '[“”]', '\"'); -- replace “” (U+201C & U+201D) with " (typewriter double quote mark)
if is_set (cap) then
label= mw.ustring.gsub (label, '[‘’]', '\''); -- replace ‘’ (U+2018 & U+2019) with ' (typewriter single quote mark)
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], {cap, cap2});
cap, cap2 = mw.ustring.match (label, "^([\"\'])([^\'].+)"); -- match leading double or single quote but not doubled single quotes (italic markup)
if is_set (cap) then
label = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-left'], {cap, cap2});
cap, cap2 = mw.ustring.match (label, "^(.+[^\'])([\"\'])$") -- match trailing double or single quote but not doubled single quotes (italic markup)
if is_set (cap) then
label = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], {cap, cap2});
if 2 == wl_type then
str = make_wikilink (link, label); -- reassemble the wikilink
str = label;
return str;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ S C R I P T _ V A L U E >----------------------------------------
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-- if we get this far we have prefix and script
-- name = cfg.lang_code_remap[lang] or mw.language.fetchLanguageName( lang, "arckb" ); -- get language name so that we can use it to categorize
name = fetchName( lang, "al" ); -- This code add by [[user:Mr. Ibrahem]] to fix language name.
if is_set (name) then -- is prefix a proper ISO 639-1 language code?
script_value = script_value:gsub ('^%l%l%s*:%s*', ''); -- strip prefix from script
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return script_value;
--[[--------------------------< S C R I P T _ C O N C A T E N A T E >------------------------------------------
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local function format_chapter_title (scriptchapter, chapter, transchapter, chapterurl, chapter_url_source, no_quotes, access)
local chapter_error = '';
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if false == no_quotes then
chapter = kern_quotes (chapter); -- if necessary, separate chapter title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marks
chapter = wrap_style ('quoted-title', chapter);
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chapter = script_concatenate (chapter, scriptchapter) -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
if is_set (chapterurl) then
chapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter, chapter_url_source, access); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
if is_set (transchapter) then
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-- if is_set (chapterurl) then
-- chapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter, chapter_url_source, nilaccess); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
-- end
return chapter .. chapter_error;
--[[--------------------------< H A S _ I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R S >----------------------------------------
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local pattern=cfg.invisible_chars[i][2] -- the pattern used to find it
position, dummy, capture = mw.ustring.find (v, pattern) -- see if the parameter value contains characters that match the pattern
if position and (char == 'zero width joiner') then -- if we found a zero width joiner character
if mw.ustring.find (v, cfg.indic_script) then -- its ok if one of the indic scripts
position = nil; -- unset position
if position then
if 'nowiki' == capture or 'math' == capture then or -- nowiki, and math stripmarkerstripmarkers (not an error condition)
('templatestyles' == capture and in_array (param, {'id', 'quote'})) then -- templatestyles stripmarker allowed in these parameters
stripmarker = true; -- set a flag
stripmarker = true; -- set a flag
elseif true == stripmarker and 'delete' == char then -- because stripmakers begin and end with the delete char, assume that we've found one end of a stripmarker
position = nil; -- unset
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-- maybe let through instead of raising an error?
-- v, origin[k] = args[k], k;
--error( cfg.messages['unknown_argument_map'] );
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--[[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------------
Looks for a parameter's name in the whitelist.
Parameters in the whitelist can have three values:
true - active, supported parameters
false - deprecated, supported parameters
nil - unsupported parameters
local function validate( name )
local name = tostring( name );
local state = whitelist.basic_arguments[ name ];
-- Normal arguments
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- Arguments with numbers in them
name = name:gsub( "%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#
state = whitelist.numbered_arguments[ name ];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- Not supported because not found or name is set to nil
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return date;
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ T I T L E T Y P E >----------------------------------------------------
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--[[--------------------------< H Y P H E N _ T O _ D A S H >--------------------------------------------------
Converts a hyphen to a dash under certain conditions. The hyphen must separate like items; unlike items are
returned unmodified. These forms are modified:
letter - letter (A - B)
digit - digit (4-5)
digit separator digit - digit separator digit (4.1-4.5 or 4-1-4-5)
letterdigit - letterdigit (A1-A5) (an optional separator between letter and digit is supported – a.1-a.5 or a-1-a-5)
digitletter - digitletter (5a - 5d) (an optional separator between letter and digit is supported – 5.a-5.d or 5-a-5-d)
any other forms are returned unmodified.
str may be a comma- or semicolon-separated list
local function hyphen_to_dash( str )
if not is_set (str) or str:match( "[%[%]{}<>]" ) ~= nil then
return str;
return str:gsub( '-', '–' );
str, count = str:gsub ('^%(%((.+)%)%)$', '%1'); -- remove accept-this-as-written markup when it wraps all of str
if 0 ~= count then -- non-zero when markup removed; zero else
return str; -- nothing to do, we're done
local out = {};
local list = mw.text.split (str, '%s*[,;]%s*'); -- split str at comma or semicolon separators if there are any
for _, item in ipairs (list) do -- for each item in the list
if mw.ustring.match (item, '^%w*[%.%-]?%w+%s*[%-–—]%s*%w*[%.%-]?%w+$') then -- if a hyphenated range or has endash or emdash separators
if item:match ('%a+[%.%-]?%d+%s*%-%s*%a+[%.%-]?%d+') or -- letterdigit hyphen letterdigit (optional separator between letter and digit)
item:match ('%d+[%.%-]?%a+%s*%-%s*%d+[%.%-]?%a+') or -- digitletter hyphen digitletter (optional separator between digit and letter)
item:match ('%d+[%.%-]%d+%s*%-%s*%d+[%.%-]%d+') or -- digit separator digit hyphen digit separator digit
item:match ('%d+%s*%-%s*%d+') or -- digit hyphen digit
item:match ('%a+%s*%-%s*%a+') then -- letter hyphen letter
item = item:gsub ('(%w*[%.%-]?%w+)%s*%-%s*(%w*[%.%-]?%w+)', '%1–%2'); -- replace hyphen, remove extraneous space characters
item = mw.ustring.gsub (item, '%s*[–—]%s*', '–'); -- for endash or emdash separated ranges, replace em with en, remove extraneous white space
item = item:gsub ('^%(%((.+)%)%)$', '%1'); -- remove the accept-this-as-written markup
table.insert (out, item); -- add the (possibly modified) item to the output table
return table.concat (out, ', '); -- concatenate the output table into a comma separated string
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local function safe_join( tbl, duplicate_char )
local f = {}; -- create a function table appropriate to type of 'dupicate character'
if 1 == #duplicate_char then -- for single byte ascii characters use the string library functions
Note: we use string functions here, rather than ustring functions.
This has considerably faster performance and should work correctly as
long as the duplicate_char is strict ASCII. The strings
else -- for multi-byte characters use the ustring library functions
in tbl may be ASCII or UTF8.
local str = ''; -- the output string
local comp = ''; -- what does 'comp' mean?
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-- typically duplicate_char is sepc
if comp:f.sub(comp, 1,1) == duplicate_char then -- is first charactiercharacter same as duplicate_char? why test first character?
-- Because individual string segments often (always?) begin with terminal punct for ththe
-- preceding segment: 'First element' .. 'sepc next element' .. etc?
trim = false;
end_chr = str:f.sub(str, -1,-1); -- get the last character of the output string
-- str = str .. "<HERE(enchr=" .. end_chr.. ")" -- debug stuff?
if end_chr == duplicate_char then -- if same as separator
str = str:f.sub(str, 1,-2); -- remove it
elseif end_chr == "'" then -- if it might be wikimarkup
if str:f.sub(str, -3,-1) == duplicate_char .. "''" then -- if last three chars of str are sepc''
str = str:f.sub(str, 1, -4) .. "''"; -- remove them and add back ''
elseif str: f.sub(str, -5,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]]''" then -- if last five chars of str are sepc]]''
trim = true; -- why? why do this and next differently from previous?
elseif str:f.sub(str, -4,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]''" then -- if last four chars of str are sepc]''
trim = true; -- same question
elseif end_chr == "]" then -- if it might be wikimarkup
if str:f.sub(str, -3,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]]" then -- if last three chars of str are sepc]] wikilink
trim = true;
elseif str:f.sub(str, -23,-1) == duplicate_char .. '"]"' then -- if last twothree chars of str are sepc"] quoted external link
trim = true;
elseif str: f.sub(str, -42,-1) == duplicate_char .. "'']" then -- normalif caselast whentwo |url=somethingchars &of |title=Title.str are sepc] external link
trim = true;
elseif f.sub(str, -4,-1) == duplicate_char .. "'']" then -- normal case when |url=something & |title=Title.
trim = true;
elseif end_chr == " " then -- if last char of output string is a space
if str:f.sub(str, -2,-1) == duplicate_char .. " " then -- if last two chars of str are <sepc><space>
str = str:f.sub(str, 1,-3); -- remove them both
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if value ~= comp then -- value does not equal comp when value contains html markup
local dup2 = duplicate_char;
if dup2:f.match(dup2, "%A" ) then dup2 = "%" .. dup2; end -- if duplicate_char not a letter then escape it
value = value:f.gsub(value, "(%b<>)" .. dup2, "%1", 1 ) -- remove duplicate_char if it follows html markup
value = value:f.sub(value, 2, -1 ); -- remove duplicate_char when it is first character
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return str;
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return false;
--[[--------------------------< I S _ G O O D _ V A N C _ N A M E >--------------------------------------------
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return true;
--[[--------------------------< R E D U C E _ T O _ I N I T I A L S >------------------------------------------
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if name then -- if first is initials with or without suffix
if 3 > name:mw.ustring.len (name) then -- if one or two initials
if suffix then -- if there is a suffix
if is_suffix (suffix) then -- is it legitimate?
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return table.concat(initials) -- Vancouver format does not include spaces.
--[[--------------------------< L I S T _ P E O P L E >-------------------------------------------------------
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if 'vanc' == format then -- Vancouver-like author/editor name styling?
sep = cfg.presentation['،sep_nl_vanc']; -- name-list separator between authors is a comma
namesep = cfg.presentation[' sep_name_vanc']; -- last/first separator is a space
elseif 'mla' == control.mode then
sep ='، '; -- name-list separator between authors is a comma
namesep ='،' -- last/first separator is <comma><space>
sep = cfg.presentation['؛sep_nl' ]; -- name-list separator between authors is a semicolon
namesep = cfg.presentation['، sep_name' ]; -- last/first separator is <comma><space>
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local first = person.first
if is_set(first) then
if 'mla'( "vanc" == control.modeformat ) then -- if vancouver format
one = one:gsub ('%.', ''); -- remove periods from surnames (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7271/box/A35029/)
if i == 1 then -- for mla
oneif =not one .person.corporate namesepand ..is_good_vanc_name (one, first; ) then -- firstand name last,is all firstLatin characters; corporate authors not tested
first = reduce_to_initials(first) -- attempt to convert first name(s) to initials
else -- all other names
one = first .. ' ' .. one; -- first last
if ( "vanc" == format ) then -- if vancouver format
one = one:gsub ('%.', ''); -- remove periods from surnames (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7271/box/A35029/)
if not person.corporate and is_good_vanc_name (one, first) then -- and name is all Latin characters; corporate authors not tested
first = reduce_to_initials(first) -- attempt to convert first name(s) to initials
one = one .. namesep .. first;
one = one .. namesep .. first;
if is_set(person.link) and person.link ~= control.page_name then
one = "[[" ..make_wikilink (person.link .. "|" .., one .. "]]"); -- link author/editor if this page is not the author's/editor's page
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if count > 0 then
if count > 1 and is_set(lastauthoramp) and not etal then
text[#text-2] = " & "; -- replace last separator with ampersand text
if 'mla' == control.mode then
text[#text-2] = "، و "; -- replace last separator with ', and ' text
text[#text-2] = " و "; -- replace last separator with ampersand text
text[#text] = nil; -- erase the last separator
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return result, count
--[[--------------------------< A N C H O R _ I D >------------------------------------------------------------
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return name, etal; --
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E D _ M A R K U P >------------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of author and editor parameters for extranious editor annotations: ed, ed., eds, (Ed.), etc.
These annotation do not belong in author parameters and are redundant in editor parameters. If found, the function
adds the editor markup maintenance category.
local function name_has_ed_markup (name, list_name)
local _, pattern;
local patterns = { -- these patterns match annotations at end of name
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (ed) or (eds): leading '(', case insensitive 'ed', optional 's', '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[e]eds?%.?$', -- ed or eds: without '('or ')'; case sensitive (ED could be initials Ed could be name)
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (editor) or (editors): leading '(', case insensitive, optional '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[Ee][Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?$', -- editor or editors: without '('or ')'; case insensitive
-- these patterns match annotations at beginning of name
'^eds?[%.,;]', -- ed. or eds.: lower case only, optional 's', requires '.'
'^[%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]', -- (ed) or (eds): also sqare brackets, case insensitive, optional 's', '.'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%A', -- (editor or (editors: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets, 's'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Ee][Dd]%A', -- (edited: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets
if is_set (name) then
for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do -- spin through patterns table and
if name:match (pattern) then
add_maint_cat ('extra_text_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- add a maint cat for this template
return name; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ M U L T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------
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local count, _;
if is_set (name) then
if_, count = name:matchgsub ('^%(%(.*%)%)$[;,]'), then''); -- ifcount wrappedthe innumber doubledof parentheses, ignoreseparator-like characters
name = name:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
if 1 < count then -- param could be |author= or |editor= so one separator character is acceptable
add_maint_cat ('mult_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- more than one separator indicates multiple names so add a maint cat for this template
_, count = name:gsub ('[;,]', ''); -- count the number of separator-like characters
if 1 < count then -- param could be |author= or |editor= so one separactor character is acceptable
add_maint_cat ('mult_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- more than one separator indicates multiple names so add a maint cat for this template
return name; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ C H E C K S >--------------------------------------------------------
This function calls various name checking functions used to validate the content of the various name-holding
local function name_checks (last, first, list_name)
if is_set (last) then
if last:match ('^%(%(.*%)%)$') then -- if wrapped in doubled parentheses, accept as written
last = last:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
last = name_has_mult_names (last, list_name); -- check for multiple names in the parameter (last only)
last = name_has_ed_markup (last, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
if is_set (first) then
if first:match ('^%(%(.*%)%)$') then -- if wrapped in doubled parentheses, accept as written
first = first:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
first = name_has_ed_markup (first, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
return last, first; -- done
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A C T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------
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When an author or editor parameter contains some form of 'et al.', the 'et al.' is stripped from the parameter and a flag (etal) returned
that will cause list_people() to add the static 'et al.' text from Module:Citation/CS1/en/Configuration. This keeps 'et al.' out of the
template's metadata. When this occurs, the page is added to a maintenance category.
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last, etal = name_has_etal (last, etal, false); -- find and remove variations on et al.
first, etal = name_has_etal (first, etal, false); -- find and remove variations on et al.
-- last, first= name_has_mult_namesname_checks (last, err_msg_list_namefirst, list_name); -- check for multiple names, inextraneous last andannotation, itsetc aliaseschecks
last = name_has_mult_names (last, list_name); -- check for multiple names in last and its aliases
if first and not last then -- if there is a firstn without a matching lastn
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return names, etal; -- all done, return our list of names
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ I S O 6 3 9 _ C O D E >------------------------------------------------
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return the original language name string.
mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(<local wiki language>, 'all') returnreturns a list of languages that in some cases may include
extensions. For example, code 'cbk-zam' and its associated name 'Chavacano de Zamboanga' (MediaWiki does not support
code 'cbk' or name 'Chavacano'. Most (all?) of these languages are not used a 'language' codes per se, rather they
are used as sub-domain names: cbk-zam.wikipedia.org. These names can be found (for the time being) at
Names but that are included in the list will be found if that name is provided in the |language= parameter. For example,
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local function get_iso639_code (lang, this_wiki_code)
if cfg.lang_name_remap[lang:lower()] then -- if there is a remapped name (because MediaWiki uses something that we don't think is correct)
return cfg.lang_name_remap[lang:lower()][1], cfg.lang_name_remap[lang:lower()][2]; -- for this language 'name', return a possibly new name and appropriate code
local languages = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(this_wiki_code, 'all') -- get a list of language names known to Wikimedia
-- ('all' is required for North Ndebele, South Ndebele, and Ojibwa)
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return lang; -- not valid language; return language in original case and nil for the code
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ P A R A M E T E R >------------------------------------------
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local function language_parameter (lang)
local code; -- the two- or three-character language code
local name; -- the language name
Line ١٬٣٠٠ ⟶ ١٬٤٠٩:
if 2 == lang:len() or 3 == lang:len() then -- if two-or three-character code
-- name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( lang:lower(), this_wiki_code); -- get language name if |language= is a proper code
if not is_set (name) then
name = fetchName( lang:lower(), this_wiki_code); -- This code add by [[user:Mr. Ibrahem]] to fix language name.
name = cfg.lang_code_remap[lang]; -- not supported by MediaWiki; is it in remap?
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if is_set (code) then -- only 2- or 3-character codes
name = cfg.lang_code_remap[code] or name; -- override wikimedia when they misuse language codes/names
if this_wiki_code ~= code then -- when the language is not the same as this wiki's language
if this_wiki_code ~= code and 'en' ~= code then -- when the language is not the same as this wiki's language or en (FaLocalization)
if 2 == code:len() then -- and is a two-character code
add_prop_cat ('foreign_lang_source' .. code, {name, code}) -- categorize it
else -- or is a recognized language (but has a three-character code)
add_prop_cat ('foreign_lang_source_2' .. code, {code}) -- categorize it differently TODO: support mutliple three-character code categories per cs1|2 template
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name = table.concat (language_list, ', ') -- and concatenate with '<comma><space>' separators
if this_wiki_name == name or 'ئینگلیزی' == name then --FaLocalization: "or 'ئینگلیزی' == name"
return ''; -- if one language and that language is this wiki's return an empty string (no annotation)
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--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 1 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
Set style settings for CS1 citation templates. Returns separator and postscript settings
At en.wiki, for cs1:
ps gets: '.'
sep gets: '.'
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local function set_cs1_style (ps)
if not is_set (ps) then -- unless explicitely set to something
ps = 'cfg.presentation['ps_cs1']; -- terminate the rendered citation with a period
return 'cfg.presentation['sep_cs1'], ps; -- element separator is a full stop
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 2 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
Set style settings for CS2 citation templates. Returns separator, postscript, ref settings
At en.wiki, for cs2:
ps gets: '' (empty string - no terminal punctuation)
sep gets: ','
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local function set_cs2_style (ps, ref)
if not is_set (ps) then -- if |postscript= has not been set, set cs2 default
ps = cfg.presentation['ps_cs2']; -- maketerminate surethe it isn'trendered nilcitation
if not is_set (ref) then -- if |ref= is not set
ref = "harv"; -- set default |ref=harv
return cfg.presentation['،sep_cs2'], ps, ref; -- element separator is a comma
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ S E T T I N G S _ F R O M _ C I T E _ C L A S S >----------------------
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return sep, ps, ref -- return them all
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ S T Y L E >------------------------------------------------------------
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sep, ps, ref = set_cs2_style (ps, ref);
elseif 'cs1' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS1 (cite xxx) style
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
elseif 'mla' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in mla style use cs1 for bot cs1 & cs2 templates
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
else -- anything but cs1 or cs2
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return sep, ps, ref
--[=[-------------------------< I S _ P D F >------------------------------------------------------------------
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applying the pdf icon to external links.
returns true if file extension is one of the recognized extensionextensions, else false
local function is_pdf (url)
return url:match ('%.pdf$') or url:match ('%.PDF$') or url:match ('%.pdf[%?#]?') or url:match ('%.PDF[%?#]?');
--[[--------------------------< S T Y L E _ F O R M A T >------------------------------------------------------
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local function style_format (format, url, fmt_param, url_param)
if is_set (format) then
format = wrap_style ('format', format); -- add leading space, parenthasesparentheses, resize
if not is_set (url) then
format = format .. set_error( 'format_missing_url', {fmt_param, url_param} ); -- add an error message
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return format;
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ D I S P L A Y _ A U T H O R S _ E D I T O R S >------------------------
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local function get_display_authors_editors (max, count, list_name, etal)
if is_set (max) then
max = numConv('en' , max);
if 'etal' == max:lower():gsub("[ '%.]", '') then -- the :gsub() portion makes 'etal' from a variety of 'et al.' spellings and stylings
max = count + 1; -- number of authors + 1 so display all author name plus et al.
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return max, etal;
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A _ T E X T _ I N _ P A G E _ C H E C K >------------------------------
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local function extra_text_in_page_check (page)
-- local good_pattern = '^P[^%.P%l]';
local good_pattern = '^P[^%.Pp]'; -- ok to begin with uppercase P: P7 (pg 7 of section P) but not p123 (page 123) TODO: add Gg for PG or Pg?
-- local bad_pattern = '^[Pp][Pp]';
local bad_pattern = '^[Pp]?[Pp]%.?[ %d]';
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add_maint_cat ('extra_text');
-- if Page:match ('^[Pp]?[Pp]%.?[ %d]') or Page:match ('^[Pp]ages?[ %d]') or
-- Pages:match ('^[Pp]?[Pp]%.?[ %d]') or Pages:match ('^[Pp]ages?[ %d]') then
-- add_maint_cat ('extra_text');
-- end
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ V _ N A M E _ T A B L E >----------------------------------------------
--[=[-------------------------< G E T _ V _ N A M E _ T A B L E >----------------------------------------------
split apart a |vautthors= or |veditors= parameter. This function allows for corporate names, wrapped in doubled
split apart a |vauthors= or |veditors= parameter. This function allows for corporate names, wrapped in doubled
parentheses to also have commas; in the old version of the code, the doubled parnetheses were included in the
rendered citation and in the metadata. Individual author names may be wikilinked
|vauthors=Jones AB, [[E. B. White|White EB]], ((Black, Brown, and Co.))
This code is experimental and may not be retained.
local function get_v_name_table (vparam, output_table, output_link_table)
local function get_v_name_table (vparam, output_table)
local name_table = mw.text.split(vparam, "%s*,%s*"); -- names are separated by commas
local wl_type, label, link; -- wl_type not used here; just a place holder
local i = 1;
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table.insert (output_table, name); -- and add corporate name to the output table
table.insert (output_link_table, ''); -- no wikilink
table.insertwl_type, (output_tablelabel, link = is_wikilink (name_table[i]); -- addwl_type thisis: name0, no wl (text in label variable); 1, [[D]]; 2, [[L|D]]
table.insert (output_table, label); -- add this name
if 1 == wl_type then
table.insert (output_link_table, label); -- simple wikilink [[D]]
table.insert (output_link_table, link); -- no wikilink or [[L|D]]; add this link if there is one, else empty string
i = i+1;
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return output_table;
--[[--------------------------< P A R S E _ V A U T H O R S _ V E D I T O R S >--------------------------------
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local names = {}; -- table of names assembled from |vauthors=, |author-maskn=, |author-linkn=
local v_name_table = {};
local v_link_table = {}; -- when name is wikilinked, targets go in this table
local etal = false; -- return value set to true when we find some form of et al. vauthors parameter
local last, first, link, mask, suffix;
Line ١٬٥٧٧ ⟶ ١٬٧٠٧:
vparam, etal = name_has_etal (vparam, etal, true); -- find and remove variations on et al. do not categorize (do it here because et al. might have a period)
v_name_table = get_v_name_table (vparam, v_name_table, v_link_table); -- names are separated by commas
if vparam:find ('%[%[') or vparam:find ('%]%]') then -- no wikilinking vauthors names
add_vanc_error ('wikilink');
v_name_table = get_v_name_table (vparam, v_name_table); -- names are separated by commas
for i, v_name in ipairs(v_name_table) do
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-- this from extract_names ()
link = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Link'], 'redundant_parameters', i ) or v_link_table[i];
mask = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Mask'], 'redundant_parameters', i );
names[i] = {last = last, first = first, link = link, mask = mask, corporate=corporate}; -- add this assembled name to our names list
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This function is used to validate a parameter's assigned value for those parameters that have only a limited number
of allowable values (yes, y, true, no, etc). When the parameter value has not been assigned a value (missing or empty
in the source template) the function refurnsreturns true. If the parameter value is one of the list of allowed values returns
true; else, emits an error message and returns false.
local function is_valid_parameter_value (value, name, possible, cite_class)
-- begin hack to limit |mode=mla to a specific set of templates
if ('mode' == name) and ('mla' == value) and not in_array (cite_class, {'book', 'journal', 'news'}) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {name, value}, true ) } ); -- not an allowed value so add error message
return false
-- end hack
if not is_set (value) then
return true; -- an empty parameter is ok
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local function terminate_name_list (name_list, sepc)
if (string.sub (name_list,-1,-1) == sepc) or (string.sub (name_list,-3,-1) == sepc .. ']]. ') then -- if lastalready name in list ends with sepcproperly charterminated
return name_list; -- just return the name list
elseif (string.sub (name_list,-1,-1) == sepc) or (string.sub (name_list,-3,-1) == sepc .. ']]') then -- if last name in list ends with sepc char
return name_list .. " "; -- don't add another
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local function format_volume_issue (volume, issue, cite_class, origin, sepc, lower, mode)
if not is_set (volume) and not is_set (issue) then
return '';
if ('mla' == mode) and ('journal' == cite_class) then -- same as cs1 for magazines
lower = true; -- mla 8th edition; force these to lower case
if is_set (volume) and is_set (issue) then
return wrap_msg ('vol-no', {sepc, volume, issue}, lower);
elseif is_set (volume) then
return wrap_msg ('vol', {sepc, volume}, lower);
return '';
if 'magazine' == cite_class or (in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map'}) and 'magazine' == origin) then
if is_set (volume) and is_set (issue) then
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return vol;
--[[-------------------------< N O R M A L I Z E _ P A G E _ L I S T >-----------------------------------------
not currently used
normalizes a comma, ampersand, and/or space separated list to be '<value>, <value>, ..., <value>'
returns list unchanged if there are no commas else strips whitespace and then reformats the list
local function normalize_page_list (list)
if not list:find ('[,& ]') then return list end -- if list is not delimited with commas, ampersands, or spaces; done
list = mw.text.split (list, '[,&%s]+'); -- make a table of values
list = table.concat (list, ', '); -- and now make a normalized list
return list;
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local function format_pages_sheets (page, pages, sheet, sheets, cite_class, origin, sepc, nopp, lower, mode)
if 'map' == cite_class then -- only cite map supports sheet(s) as in-source locators
if is_set (sheet) then
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local is_journal = 'journal' == cite_class or (in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map', 'interview'}) and 'journal' == origin);
if is_journal and 'mla' == mode then
is_journal = false; -- mla always uses p & pp
if is_set (page) then
if is_journal then
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local path, timestamp, flag; -- portions of the archive.or url
if (not url:match('//web%.archive%.org/')) and (not url:match('//liveweb%.archive%.org/')) then -- also deprecated liveweb Wayback machine url
return url, date; -- not an archive.org archive, return ArchiveURL and ArchiveDate
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err_msg = 'save command';
url = url:gsub ('(//web%.archive%.org)/save/', '%1/*/', 1); -- for preview mode: modify ArchiveURL
elseif url:match('//liveweb%.archive%.org/') then
err_msg = 'liveweb';
path, timestamp, flag = url:match('//web%.archive%.org/([^%d]*)(%d+)([^/]*)/'); -- split out some of the url parts for evaluation
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return url, date; -- preview mode so return archiveURL and ArchiveDate
--[[--------------------------< M I S S I N G _ P I P E _ C H E C K >------------------------------------------
Look at the contents of a parameter. If the content has a string of characters and digits followed by an equal
sign, compare the alphanumeric string to the list of cs1|2 parameters. If found, then the string is possibly a
parameter that is missing its pipe:
{{cite ... |title=Title access-date=2016-03-17}}
cs1|2 shares some parameter names with xml/html atributes: class=, title=, etc. To prevent false positives xml/html
tags are removed before the search.
If a missing pipe is detected, this function adds the missing pipe maintenance category.
local function missing_pipe_check (value)
local capture;
value = value:gsub ('%b<>', ''); -- remove xml/html tags because attributes: class=, title=, etc
capture = value:match ('%s+(%a[%a%d]+)%s*=') or value:match ('^(%a[%a%d]+)%s*='); -- find and categorize parameters with possible missing pipes
if capture and validate (capture) then -- if the capture is a valid parameter name
add_maint_cat ('missing_pipe');
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-- define different field names for the same underlying things.
-- set default parameter values defined by |mode= parameter. If |mode= is empty or omitted, use CitationClass to set these values
local Mode = A['Mode'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (Mode, 'mode', cfg.keywords['mode'], config.CitationClass) then
Mode = '';
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local Coauthors = A['Coauthors'];
local Others = A['Others'];
Line ٢٬٠١٨ ⟶ ٢٬٠٨٢:
local Translators; -- assembled translators name list
t = extract_names (args, 'TranslatorList'); -- fetch translator list from |translatorn= / |translator-lastn=, -firstn=, -linkn=, -maskn=
local interviewers_list = {};
local Interviewers = A['Interviewers']
if is_set (Interviewers) then -- add a maint cat if the |interviewers= is used
add_maint_cat ('interviewers'); -- because use of this parameter is discouraged
interviewers_list = extract_names (args, 'InterviewerList'); -- else, process preferred interviewers parameters
local c = {}; -- contributors list from |contributor-lastn= / contributor-firstn= pairs
local Contributors; -- assembled contributors name list
Line ٢٬٠٤٨ ⟶ ٢٬١١٨:
local Year = numConv('en', A['Year'] );
local PublicationDate = numConv('en', A['PublicationDate'] );
local OrigYear = numConv('en', A['OrigYear'] );
local Date = numConv('en', A['Date'] );
local LayDate = numConv('en', A['LayDate'] );
------------------------------------------------- Get title data
local Title = A['Title'];
Line ٢٬٠٩٩ ⟶ ٢٬١٦٩:
local Pages;
local At;
-- previously conference books did not support volume
-- if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_volume) and not ('conference' == config.CitationClass and not is_set (Periodical)) then
if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_volume) then
Volume = A['Volume'];
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-- conference & map books do not support issue
if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_issue) and not (in_array (config.CitationClass, {'conference', 'map'}) and not is_set (Periodical))then
Issue = hyphen_to_dash (A['Issue']);
local Position = '';
if not in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_not_using_page) then
Page = A['Page'];
Pages = hyphen_to_dash ( A['Pages'] );
At = A['At'];
Line ٢٬١٢٤ ⟶ ٢٬١٩٣:
local SubscriptionRequired = A['SubscriptionRequired'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (SubscriptionRequired, 'subscription', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
local UrlAccess = A['UrlAccess'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (UrlAccess, 'url-access', cfg.keywords ['url-access']) then
Line ٢٬١٤٦ ⟶ ٢٬٢١٧:
local ChapterUrlAccess = A['ChapterUrlAccess'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (ChapterUrlAccess, 'chapter-url-access', cfg.keywords ['url-access']) then -- same as url-access
ChapterUrlAccess = nil;
if not is_set(ChapterURL) and is_set(ChapterUrlAccess) then
ChapterUrlAccess = nil;
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'param_access_requires_param', {'chapter-url'}, true ) } );
local Via = A['Via'];
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LastAuthorAmp = nil; -- set to empty string
if 'mla' == Mode then
LastAuthorAmp = 'yes'; -- replaces last author/editor separator with ' and ' text
local no_tracking_cats = A['NoTracking'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (no_tracking_cats, 'no-tracking', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
Line ٢٬١٨٩ ⟶ ٢٬٢٦٦:
--local variables that are not cs1 parameters
--these deprecated parameters are used by cite interview
local Callsign = A['Callsign'];
local City = A['City'];
local Program = A['Program'];
--local variables that are not cs1 parameters
local use_lowercase; -- controls capitalization of certain static text
local this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- also used for COinS and for language
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local sepc; -- separator between citation elements for CS1 a period, for CS2, a comma
local PostScript;
local Ref = A['Ref'];
if not is_set (Ref) then
sepc, PostScript, Ref = set_style (Mode:lower(), A['PostScript'], A['Ref'], config.CitationClass);
Ref = 'harv'; -- set as default when not set externally
use_lowercase = ( sepc == '،' ); -- used to control capitalization for certain static text
local Ref2 = A['Ref2']; --falocalization
sepc, PostScript, Ref = set_style (Mode:lower(), A['PostScript'], Ref, config.CitationClass);
use_lowercase = ( sepc == ',' ); -- used to control capitalization for certain static text
--check this page to see if it is in one of the namespaces that cs1 is not supposed to add to the error categories
if not is_set (no_tracking_cats) then -- ignore if we are already not going to categorize this page
if in_array (this_page.nsText, cfg.uncategorized_namespaces) then
Line ٢٬٢٢٤ ⟶ ٢٬٣٠٠:
-- check for extra |page=, |pages= or |at= parameters. (also sheet and sheets while we're at it)
select_one( args, {'page', 'p', 'pp', 'pages', 'at', 'sheet', 'sheets'}, 'redundant_parameters' ); -- this is a dummy call simply to get the error message and category
Line ٢٬٢٤٧ ⟶ ٢٬٣٢٣:
-- both |publication-place= and |place= (|location=) allowed if different
if not is_set(PublicationPlace) and is_set(Place) then
PublicationPlace = Place; -- promote |place= (|location=) to |publication-place
Line ٢٬٢٥٤ ⟶ ٢٬٣٣٠:
if PublicationPlace == Place then Place = ''; end -- don't need both if they are the same
Parameter remapping for cite encyclopedia:
When the citation has these parameters:
|encyclopedia and |title then map |title to |article and |encyclopedia to |title
|encyclopedia and |article then map |encyclopedia to |title
|encyclopedia then map |encyclopedia to |title
|trans_titletrans-title maps to |trans_chaptertrans-chapter when |title is re-mapped
|url maps to |chapterurl when |title is remapped
All other combinations of |encyclopedia, |title, and |article are not modified
local Encyclopedia = A['Encyclopedia'];
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TransChapter = TransTitle;
ChapterURL = URL;
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
if not is_set (ChapterURL) and is_set (TitleLink) then
Chapter = '[[' ..make_wikilink (TitleLink .. '|' .., Chapter .. ']]');
Title = Periodical;
Line ٢٬٢٩٧ ⟶ ٢٬٣٧٥:
-- Special case for cite techreport.
if (config.CitationClass == "techreport") then -- special case for cite techreport
if is_set(A['Number']) then -- cite techreport uses 'number', which other citations alias to 'issue'
Line ٢٬٣٠٨ ⟶ ٢٬٣٨٦:
-- special case for cite interviewmailing list
-- TODO: make cite interview not need any special cases
Program, Callsign, City deprecated, so avoid using /Configuration
for reassignment, which would allow these parameters' use outside interview
if (config.CitationClass == "interview") then
if is_set(Program) then
if not is_set(Periodical) then
Periodical = Program;
if is_set(Callsign) then
if not is_set(PublisherName) then
PublisherName = Callsign;
if is_set(City) then
if not is_set(PublicationPlace) then
PublicationPlace = City;
-- special case for cite mailing list
if (config.CitationClass == "mailinglist") then
Periodical = A ['MailingList'];
Line ٢٬٣٣٩ ⟶ ٢٬٣٩٣:
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite conference}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'conference' == config.CitationClass then
if is_set(BookTitle) then
Line ٢٬٣٤٥ ⟶ ٢٬٣٩٩:
-- ChapterLink = TitleLink; -- |chapterlink= is deprecated
ChapterURL = URL;
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
ChapterURLorigin = URLorigin;
URLorigin = '';
Line ٢٬٣٥٩ ⟶ ٢٬٤١٤:
-- cite map oddities
local Cartography = "";
local Scale = "";
Line ٢٬٣٦٧ ⟶ ٢٬٤٢٢:
Chapter = A['Map'];
ChapterURL = A['MapURL'];
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
TransChapter = A['TransMap'];
ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('MapURL');
Line ٢٬٣٨١ ⟶ ٢٬٤٣٧:
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite episode}} and {{cite serial}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'episode' == config.CitationClass or 'serial' == config.CitationClass then
local AirDate = A['AirDate'];
Line ٢٬٤١٩ ⟶ ٢٬٤٧٥:
TransChapter = TransTitle;
ChapterURL = URL;
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('URL');
Line ٢٬٤٢٦ ⟶ ٢٬٤٨٣:
if is_set (ChapterLink) and not is_set (ChapterURL) then -- link but not URL
Chapter = '[[' ..make_wikilink (ChapterLink .. '|' .., Chapter .. ']]'); -- ok to wikilink
elseif is_set (ChapterLink) and is_set (ChapterURL) then -- if both are set, URL links episode;
Series = '[[' ..make_wikilink (ChapterLink .. '|' .., Series .. ']]'); -- series links with ChapterLink (episodelink -> TitleLink -> ChapterLink) ugly
URL = ''; -- unset
Line ٢٬٤٣٨ ⟶ ٢٬٤٩٥:
Chapter = A['Episode']; -- TODO: make |episode= available to cite episode someday?
if is_set (Series) and is_set (SeriesLink) then
Series = '[[' ..make_wikilink (SeriesLink .. '|' .., Series .. ']]');
Series = wrap_style ('italic-title', Series); -- series is italicized
-- end of {{cite episode}} stuff
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, {{cite citeseerx}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'arxiv' == config.CitationClass then
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then
if not is_set (ID_list['ARXIV']) then -- |arxiv= or |eprint= required for cite arxiv
if not is_set (ID_list[config.CitationClass:upper()]) then -- |arxiv= or |eprint= required for cite arxiv; |biorxiv= & |citeseerx= required for their templates
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'arxiv_missing', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( config.CitationClass .. '_missing', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
elseif is_set (Series) then -- series is an alias of version
ID_list['ARXIV'] = ID_list['ARXIV'] .. Series; -- concatenate version onto the end of the arxiv identifier
Series = ''; -- unset
if 'arxiv' == config.CitationClass then
deprecated_parameter ('version'); -- deprecated parameter but only for cite arxiv
Periodical = 'arXiv'; -- set to arXiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
if first_set ({AccessDate, At, Authors, Chapter, Format, Page, Pages, Periodical, PublisherName, URL, -- a crude list of parameters that are not supported by cite arxiv
ID_list['ASIN'], ID_list['BIBCODE'], ID_list['DOI'], ID_list['ISBN'], ID_list['ISSN'], -- TODO: find a better way to do this
ID_list['JFM'], ID_list['JSTOR'], ID_list['LCCN'], ID_list['MR'], ID_list['OCLC'], ID_list['OL'],
ID_list['OSTI'], ID_list['PMC'], ID_list['PMID'], ID_list['RFC'], ID_list['SSRN'], ID_list['USENETID'], ID_list['ZBL']},27) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'arxiv_params_not_supported', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
if 'biorxiv' == config.CitationClass then
AccessDate = ''; -- set these to empty string; not supported in cite arXiv
Periodical = 'bioRxiv'; -- set to bioRxiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
Authors = '';
PublisherName = ''; -- (if the article has been published, use cite journal, or other)
Chapter = '';
if 'citeseerx' == config.CitationClass then
URL = '';
Periodical = 'CiteSeerX'; -- set to CiteSeerX for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
Format = '';
Page = ''; Pages = ''; At = '';
Periodical = 'arXiv'; -- set to arXiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
-- handle type parameter for those CS1 citations that have default values
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"AV-media-notes", "interview", "mailinglist", "map", "podcast", "pressrelease", "report", "techreport", "thesis"}) then
TitleType = set_titletype (config.CitationClass, TitleType);
Line ٢٬٤٨٤ ⟶ ٢٬٥٣٦:
-- legacy: promote PublicationDate to Date if neither Date nor Year are set.
local Date_origin; -- to hold the name of parameter promoted to Date; required for date error messaging
if not is_set (Date) then
Date = Year; -- promote Year to Date
Line ٢٬٤٩١ ⟶ ٢٬٥٤٥:
Date = PublicationDate; -- promote PublicationDate to Date
PublicationDate = ''; -- unset, no longer needed
Date_origin = A:ORIGIN('PublicationDate'); -- save the name of the promoted parameter
Date_origin = A:ORIGIN('Year'); -- save the name of the promoted parameter
Date_origin = A:ORIGIN('Date'); -- not a promotion; name required for error messaging
if PublicationDate == Date then PublicationDate = ''; end -- if PublicationDate is same as Date, don't display in rendered citation
Go test all of the date-holding parameters for valid MOS:DATE format and make sure that dates are real dates. This must be done before we do COinS because here is where
we get the date used in the metadata.
Date validation supporting code is in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Date_validation
do -- create defined block to contain local variables error_message, date_parameters_list, mismatch
local error_message = '';
-- AirDate has been promoted to Date so not necessary to check it
local date_parameters_list = {['access-date']=AccessDate, ['archive-date']=ArchiveDate, ['date']=Date, ['doi-broken-date']=DoiBroken,
['access-date'] = {val=AccessDate, name=A:ORIGIN ('AccessDate')},
['embargo']=Embargo, ['lay-date']=LayDate, ['publication-date']=PublicationDate, ['year']=Year};
['archive-date'] = {val=ArchiveDate, name=A:ORIGIN ('ArchiveDate')},
['date'] = {val=Date, name=Date_origin},
['doi-broken-date'] = {val=DoiBroken, name=A:ORIGIN ('DoiBroken')},
['embargo'] = {val=Embargo, name=A:ORIGIN ('Embargo')},
['lay-date'] = {val=LayDate, name=A:ORIGIN ('LayDate')},
['publication-date'] ={val=PublicationDate, name=A:ORIGIN ('PublicationDate')},
['year'] = {val=Year, name=A:ORIGIN ('Year')},
anchor_year, Embargo, error_message = dates(date_parameters_list, COinS_date);
-- start temporary Julian / Gregorian calendar uncertainty categorization
if COinS_date.inter_cal_cat then
add_prop_cat ('jul_greg_uncertainty');
-- end temporary Julian / Gregorian calendar uncertainty categorization
if is_set (Year) and is_set (Date) then -- both |date= and |year= not normally needed;
Line ٢٬٥٢٤ ⟶ ٢٬٥٩٦:
if not is_set(error_message) then -- error free dates only
local modified = false; -- flag
if is_set (DF) then -- if we need to reformat dates
modified = reformat_dates (date_parameters_list, DF, false); -- reformat to DF format, use long month names if appropriate
if true == date_hyphen_to_dash (date_parameters_list) then -- convert hyphens to dashes where appropriate
modified = true;
add_maint_cat ('date_format'); -- hyphens were converted so add maint category
-- for those wikis that can and want to have English date names translated to the local language,
-- uncomment these three lines. Not supported by en.wiki (for obvious reasons)
-- set date_name_xlate() second argument to true to translate English digits to local digits (will translate ymd dates)
if date_name_xlate (date_parameters_list, false) then
modified = true;
if modified then -- if the date_parameters_list values were modified
AccessDate = date_parameters_list['access-date'].val; -- overwrite date holding parameters with modified values
ArchiveDate = date_parameters_list['archive-date'].val;
Date = date_parameters_list['date'].val;
DoiBroken = date_parameters_list['doi-broken-date'].val;
LayDate = date_parameters_list['lay-date'].val;
PublicationDate = date_parameters_list['publication-date'].val;
Line ٢٬٥٤٦ ⟶ ٢٬٦٢٦:
end -- end of do
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite journal}} with |pmc= set and |url= not set. Do this after date check but before COInS.
-- Here we unset Embargo if PMC not embargoed (|embargo= not set in the citation) or if the embargo time has expired. Otherwise, holds embargo date
Embargo = is_embargoed (Embargo); --
if config.CitationClass == "journal" and not is_set(URL) and is_set(ID_list['PMC']) then
Line ٢٬٥٦٢ ⟶ ٢٬٦٤٢:
-- At this point fields may be nil if they weren't specified in the template use. We can use that fact.
-- Test if citation has no title
if not is_set(Title) and
Line ٢٬٦٢٧ ⟶ ٢٬٧٠٧:
}, config.CitationClass);
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, and {{cite citeseerx}} AFTER generation of COinS data.
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'arxiv', =='biorxiv', config.CitationClass'citeseerx'}) then -- we have set rft.jtitle in COinS to arXiv, bioRxiv, or CiteSeerX now unset so it isn't displayed
Periodical = ''; -- periodical not allowed in citethese arxivtemplates; if article has been published, use cite journal
-- special case for cite newsgroup. Do this after COinS because we are modifying Publishername to include some static text
if 'newsgroup' == config.CitationClass then
if is_set (PublisherName) then
Line ٢٬٦٥٥ ⟶ ٢٬٧٣٥:
do -- do editor name list first because the now unsupported coauthors canused to modify control table
control.maximum , editor_etal = get_display_authors_editors (A['DisplayEditors'], #e, 'editors', editor_etal);
last_first_list, EditorCount = list_people(control, e, editor_etal);
Line ٢٬٦٧٣ ⟶ ٢٬٧٥٣:
EditorCount = 2; -- spoof to display (eds.) annotation
do -- now do interviewers
control.maximum = #interviewers_list; -- number of interviewerss
Interviewers = list_people(control, interviewers_list, false); -- et al not currently supported
do -- now do translators
Line ٢٬٦٨٥ ⟶ ٢٬٧٦٩:
control.maximum , author_etal = get_display_authors_editors (A['DisplayAuthors'], #a, 'authors', author_etal);
if is_set(Coauthors) then -- if the coauthor field is also used, prevent ampersand and et al. formatting.
control.lastauthoramp = nil;
control.maximum = #a + 1;
last_first_list = list_people(control, a, author_etal);
Line ٢٬٧٠٦ ⟶ ٢٬٧٨٥:
if not is_set(Authors) and is_set(Coauthors) then -- coauthors aren't displayed if one of authors=, authorn=, or lastn= isn't specified
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('coauthors_missing_author', {}, true) } ); -- emit error message
-- apply |[xx-]format= styling; at the end, these parameters hold correctly styled format annotation,
-- an error message if the associated url is not set, or an empty string for concatenation
ArchiveFormat = style_format (ArchiveFormat, ArchiveURL, 'archive-format', 'archive-url');
ConferenceFormat = style_format (ConferenceFormat, ConferenceURL, 'conference-format', 'conference-url');
Line ٢٬٧١٩ ⟶ ٢٬٧٩٥:
TranscriptFormat = style_format (TranscriptFormat, TranscriptURL, 'transcript-format', 'transcripturl');
-- special case for chapter format so no error message or cat when chapter not supported
if not (in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia))) then
ChapterFormat = style_format (ChapterFormat, ChapterURL, 'chapter-format', 'chapter-url');
Line ٢٬٧٤٠ ⟶ ٢٬٨١٦:
DeadURL = DeadURL:lower(); -- used later when assembling archived text
if is_set( ArchiveURL ) then
if is_set (ChapterURL) then -- URL not set so if chapter-url is set apply archive url to it
OriginalURL = ChapterURL; -- save copy of source chapter's url for archive text
OriginalURLorigin = ChapterURLorigin; -- name of chapter-url parameter for error messages
OriginalFormat = ChapterFormat; -- and original |chapter-format=
if 'no'not(in_array(DeadURL, ~=cfg.keywords DeadURL['deadurl_no'])) then
ChapterURL = ArchiveURL -- swap-in the archive's url
ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL') -- name of archive-url parameter for error messages
ChapterFormat = ArchiveFormat or ''; -- swap in archive's format
ChapterUrlAccess = nil; -- restricted access levels do not make sense for archived urls
elseif is_set (URL) then
Line ٢٬٧٥٤ ⟶ ٢٬٨٣١:
OriginalFormat = Format; -- and original |format=
OriginalAccess = UrlAccess;
if 'no'not(in_array(DeadURL, ~=cfg.keywords DeadURL['deadurl_no'])) then -- if URL set then archive-url applies to it
URL = ArchiveURL -- swap-in the archive's url
URLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL') -- name of archive url parameter for error messages
Line ٢٬٧٦٣ ⟶ ٢٬٨٤٠:
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web','news','journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or -- if any of the 'periodical' cites except encyclopedia
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) then
local chap_param;
Line ٢٬٧٩٤ ⟶ ٢٬٨٧١:
Chapter = format_chapter_title (ScriptChapter, Chapter, TransChapter, ChapterURL, ChapterURLorigin, no_quotes, ChapterUrlAccess); -- Contribution is also in Chapter
if is_set (Chapter) then
Chapter = Chapter .. ChapterFormat ;
Line ٢٬٨٠٧ ⟶ ٢٬٨٨٤:
-- Format main title.
if is_set (ArchiveURL) and mw.ustring.match (mw.ustring.lower(Title), cfg.special_case_translation['archived_copy']) then -- if title is 'Archived copy' (place holder added by bots that can't find proper title)
add_maint_cat ('archived_copy'); -- add maintenance category before we modify the content of Title
if Title:match ('^%(%(.*%)%)$') then -- if keep as written markup:
Title= Title:gsub ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$', '%1') -- remove the markup
if '...' == Title:sub (-3) then -- if elipsis is the last three characters of |title=
Title = Title:gsub ('(%.%.%.)%.+$', '%1'); -- limit the number of dots to three
elseif not mw.ustring.find (Title, '%.%s*%a%.$') and -- end of title is not a 'dot-(optional space-)letter-dot' initialism ...
not mw.ustring.find (Title, '%s+%a%.$') then -- ...and not a 'space-letter-dot' initial (''Allium canadense'' L.)
Title = mw.ustring.gsub(Title, '%'..sepc..'$', ''); -- remove any trailing separator character; sepc and ms.ustring() here for languages that use multibyte separator characters
if is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(Title) then
Title = "[[" ..make_wikilink (TitleLink .. "|" .., Title .. "]]");
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'mailinglist', 'interview', 'arxiv', 'interviewbiorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) or
('map' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical)) then -- special case for cite map when the map is in a periodical treat as an article
Line ٢٬٨٣٥ ⟶ ٢٬٩٢٧:
Title = Title .. TransTitle;
if is_set(Title) then
if not is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(URL) then
Title = external_link( URL, Title, URLorigin, UrlAccess ) .. TransTitle .. TransError .. Format;
-- this experiment hidden 2016-04-10; see Help_talk:Citation_Style_1#Recycled_urls
-- local temp_title = external_link( URL, Title, URLorigin ) .. TransError .. Format; -- do this so we get error message even if url is usurped no archive
-- if in_array (DeadURL, {'unfit no archive', 'usurped no archive'}) then -- when url links to inappropriate location and there is no archive of original source available
-- local err_msg
-- if temp_title:match ('%[%S+%s+(.+)%](<.+)') then -- if there is an error message
-- Title, err_msg = temp_title:match ('%[%S+%s+(.+)%](<.+)'); -- strip off external link; TODO: find a better to do this
-- Title = Title .. (err_msg or '');
-- end
-- else
-- Title = temp_title;
-- end
URL = ''; -- unset these because no longer needed
Format = "";
Title = Title .. TransTitle .. TransError;
Title = TransTitle .. TransError;
Line ٢٬٨٨٢ ⟶ ٢٬٩٦٢:
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'minutes') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'time')}, true ) } );
Position = " " .. cfg.messages['minutes'] .. Minutes .. " " .. cfg.messages['minutes'];
if is_set(Time) then
Line ٢٬٩٠٠ ⟶ ٢٬٩٨٠:
Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets = format_pages_sheets (Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, NoPP, use_lowercase, Mode);
At = is_set(At) and (sepc .. " " .. At) or "";
Line ٢٬٩٣٣ ⟶ ٣٬٠١٣:
if is_set (Translators) then
Others = safe_join ({sepc .. ' ', wrap_msg ('translated', Translators, use_lowercase), Others}, sepc);
if 'mla' == Mode then
Others = sepc .. ' Trans. ' .. Translators .. Others;
Others = sepc .. ' ' .. wrap_msg ('translated', Translators, use_lowercase) .. Others;
if is_set (Interviewers) then
Others = safe_join ({sepc .. ' ' .., wrap_msg ('interview', Interviewers, use_lowercase) .., Others}, sepc);
Line ٢٬٩٤٨ ⟶ ٣٬٠٢٤:
add_maint_cat ('extra_text', 'edition');
Edition = " " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition);
if 'mla' == Mode then
Edition = '. ' .. Edition .. ' ed.';
Edition = " " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition);
Edition = '';
Line ٢٬٩٥٨ ⟶ ٣٬٠٣٠:
Series = is_set(Series) and (sepc .. " " .. Series) or "";
OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (" [" .. OrigYear .. "]") or ""; -- TODO: presentation
if 'mla' == Mode then -- not in brackets for mla
OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (". " .. OrigYear) or "";
OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (" [" .. OrigYear .. "]") or "";
Agency = is_set(Agency) and (sepc .. " " .. Agency) or "";
Volume = format_volume_issue (Volume, Issue, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, use_lowercase, Mode);
------------------------------------ totally unrelated data
Line ٢٬٩٧٢ ⟶ ٣٬٠٤١:
Subscription implies paywall; Registration does not. If both are used in a citation, the subscription required link
note is displayed. There are no error messages for this condition.
if is_set (SubscriptionRequired) then
SubscriptionRequired = sepc .. " " .. cfg.messages['subscription']; -- subscription required message
Line ٢٬٩٨٦ ⟶ ٣٬٠٥٥:
if is_set(AccessDate) then
if AccessDate and AccessDate ~= "" then
--mw.log("AccessDate: " .. AccessDate)
AccessDate = check_date( AccessDate )
--mw.log("AccessDate2: " .. AccessDate2)
--AccessDate = '{{#time:d F Y|' .. AccessDate .. '}}'
local retrv_text = " " .. cfg.messages['retrieved']
AccessDate = nowrap_date (AccessDate); -- wrap in nowrap span if date in appropriate format
if (sepc ~= ".") then retrv_text = retrv_text:lower() end -- if mode is cs2, lower case
if 'mla' == Mode then -- retrieved text not used in mla
AccessDate = 'substitute ' ..(retrv_text, AccessDate); -- add retrieved text
if (sepc ~= ".") then retrv_text = retrv_text:lower() end -- if mode is cs2, lower case
AccessDate = substitute (retrv_text, AccessDate); -- add retrieved text
AccessDate = substitute (cfg.presentation['accessdate'], {sepc, AccessDate}); -- allow editors to hide accessdates
if is_set(ID) then ID = sepc .." ".. ID; end
if "thesis" == config.CitationClass and is_set(Docket) then
Line ٣٬٠١٥ ⟶ ٣٬٠٧٥:
if is_set(URL) then
URL = " " .. external_link( URL, nil, URLorigin, AccessUrlAccess );
Line ٣٬٠٣١ ⟶ ٣٬٠٩١:
ArchiveDate = set_error('archive_missing_date');
if "no"(in_array(DeadURL, ==cfg.keywords DeadURL['deadurl_no'])) then
local arch_text = cfg.messages['archived'];
if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() end
Line ٣٬٠٤٣ ⟶ ٣٬١٠٣:
if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() end
if in_array (DeadURL, {'unfit', 'usurped', 'bot: unknown'}) then
Archived = sepc .. " " .. 'Archived مؤرشفfrom منthe الأصلoriginal فيon ' .. ArchiveDate; -- format already styled
if 'bot: unknown' == DeadURL then
add_maint_cat ('bot:_unknown'); -- and add a category if not already added
Line ٣٬١١٦ ⟶ ٣٬١٧٦:
Handle the oddity that is cite speech. This code overrides whatever may be the value assigned to TitleNote (through |department=) and forces it to be " (Speech)" so that
the annotation directly follows the |title= parameter value in the citation rather than the |event= parameter value (if provided).
if "speech" == config.CitationClass then -- cite speech only
TitleNote = " (Speech)"; -- annotate the citation
Line ٣٬١٣٧ ⟶ ٣٬١٩٧:
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"journal","citation"}) and is_set(Periodical) then
if is_set(Others) then Others = safe_join ({Others .., sepc .. " "}, sepc) end -- add terminal punctuation & space; check for dup sepc; TODO why do we need to do this here?
tcommon = safe_join( {Others, Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume}, sepc );
if 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume}, sepc );
tcommon = safe_join( {Others, Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series,
Language, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume}, sepc );
elseif in_array(config.CitationClass, {"book","citation"}) and not is_set(Periodical) then -- special cases for book cites
if is_set (Contributors) then -- when we are citing foreword, preface, introduction, etc
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote}, sepc ); -- author and other stuff will come after this and before tcommon2
tcommon2 = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
if 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon2 = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
tcommon2 = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
elseif 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon = safe_join( {TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
Line ٣٬١٦٩ ⟶ ٣٬٢١٨:
elseif 'episode' == config.CitationClass then -- special case for cite episode
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, TitleType, Series, Transcript, Language, Edition, Publisher}, sepc );
elseif ('news' == config.CitationClass) and ('mla' == Mode) then -- special case for cite news in MLA mode
tcommon = safe_join( {Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Edition, Agency}, sepc );
elseif ('web' == config.CitationClass) and ('mla' == Mode) then -- special case for cite web in MLA mode
tcommon = safe_join( {Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language,
Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
else -- all other CS1 templates
Line ٣٬١٩٣ ⟶ ٣٬٢٣٥:
if is_set(Date) then
if is_set (Authors) or is_set (Editors) then -- date follows authors or editors when authors not set
if ('mla' == Mode) then
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'book', 'news', 'web'}) then
Date = ', ' .. Date; -- origyear follows title in mla
elseif 'journal' == config.CitationClass then
Date = ', (' .. Date .. ')';
elseif is_set (Authors) or is_set (Editors) then -- date follows authors or editors when authors not set
Date = " (" .. Date ..")" .. OrigYear .. sepc .. " "; -- in paranetheses
else -- neither of authors and editors set
Line ٣٬٢١٠ ⟶ ٣٬٢٤٦:
if is_set(Authors) then
if (not is_set (Date)) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Authors termination
if is_set(Coauthors) then
if 'vanc' == NameListFormat then -- separate authors and coauthors with proper name-list-separator
Authors = Authors .. ', ' .. Coauthors;
Authors = Authors .. '; ' .. Coauthors;
if (not is_set (Date)) or ('mla' == Mode) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Authors termination
Authors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc); -- when no date, terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
Line ٣٬٢٢٣ ⟶ ٣٬٢٥٢:
local in_text = " ";
local post_text = "";
if is_set(Chapter) and 0 == #c and 'mla' ~= Mode then
in_text = in_text .. cfg.messages['in'] .. " "
if (sepc ~= '.') then
in_text = in_text:lower() end -- lowercase for cs2
elseif is_set(Chapter) and 'mla' == Mode then
if EditorCount <= 1 then
in_text = '. Ed. ';
in_text = '. Eds. ';
if EditorCount <= 1 then
post_text = ", " .. cfg.messages['editor'] .. ": " ;
post_text = ", " .. cfg.messages['editors'] .. ": " ;
Editors = terminate_name_list (in_text .. post_textEditors .. Editorspost_text, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
if is_set (Contributors) then -- book cite and we're citing the intro, preface, etc
Line ٣٬٢٤٥ ⟶ ٣٬٢٧٠:
if (sepc ~= '.') then by_text = by_text:lower() end -- lowercase for cs2
Authors = by_text .. Authors; -- author follows title so tweak it here
if is_set (Editors) and ('mla'is_set ~= Mode(Date) then -- when Editors make sure that Authors gets terminated
Authors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
if (not is_set (Date)) or ('mla' == Mode) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Contributors termination
Contributors = terminate_name_list (Contributors, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
text = safe_join( {Contributors, Date, Chapter, tcommon, Authors, Place, Editors, tcommon2, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
if 'mla' == Mode then
text = safe_join( {Contributors, Chapter, tcommon, OrigYear, Authors, Place, Others, Editors, tcommon2, Date, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Contributors, Date, Chapter, tcommon, Authors, Place, Editors, tcommon2, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
elseif 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon = tcommon .. Date; -- hack to avoid duplicate separators
text = safe_join( {Authors, Chapter, Title, OrigYear, Others, Editors, Edition, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Authors, Date, Chapter, Place, Editors, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
Line ٣٬٢٧٦ ⟶ ٣٬٢٩٤:
text = safe_join( {Editors, Date, Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
if 'mla' == Mode then
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'journal', 'news', 'web'}) and is_set(Periodical) then
text = safe_join( {Editors, Title, Place, tcommon, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Editors, Chapter, Title, Place, tcommon, Date, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Editors, Date, Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
elseif 'mla' == Mode then
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'journal', 'news', 'web'}) and is_set(Periodical) then
text = safe_join( {Title, Place, tcommon, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Chapter, Title, Place, tcommon, Date, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"journal","citation"}) and is_set(Periodical) then
Line ٣٬٣٣١ ⟶ ٣٬٣٣٥:
if #namelist > 0 then -- if there are names in namelist
id = anchor_id (namelist, year); -- go make the CITEREF anchor
if is_set(Ref2) then --falocalization
id = id..Ref2; --falocalization
end --falocalization
id = ''; -- unset
Line ٣٬٣٤٤ ⟶ ٣٬٣٥١:
local render = {}; -- here we collect the final bits for concatenation into the rendered citation
if is_set(options.id) then -- here we wrap the rendered citation in <cite ...>...</cite> tags
texttable.insert =(render, substitute (cfg.presentation['cite-id'], {mw.uri.anchorEncode(options.id), mw.text.nowiki(options.class), text})); -- when |ref= is set
texttable.insert =(render, substitute (cfg.presentation['cite'], {mw.text.nowiki(options.class), text})); -- all other cases
texttable.insert = text ..(render, substitute (cfg.presentation['ocins'], {OCinSoutput})); -- append metadata to the citation
if #z.message_tail ~= 0 then
table.insert (render, ' ');
text = text .. " ";
for i,v in ipairs( z.message_tail ) do
if is_set(v[1]) then
if i == #z.message_tail then
texttable.insert = text ..(render, error_comment( v[1], v[2] ));
texttable.insert = text ..(render, error_comment( v[1] .. "; ", v[2] ));
Line ٣٬٣٦٦ ⟶ ٣٬٣٧٥:
if #z.maintenance_cats ~= 0 then
text = text .table.insert (render, '<span class="citation-comment" style="display:none; color:#33aa33; margin-left:0.3em">');
for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do -- append maintenance categories
table.insert (render, v);
text = text .. ' ' .. v .. ' ([[:Category:' .. v ..'|link]])';
table.insert (render, ' (');
table.insert (render, make_wikilink (':Category:' .. v, 'link'));
table.insert (render, ') ');
table.insert (render, '</span>');
text = text .. '</span>'; -- maintenance mesages (realy just the names of the categories for now)
Line ٣٬٣٧٦ ⟶ ٣٬٣٨٨:
if in_array(no_tracking_cats, {"", "no", "false", "n"}) then
for _, v in ipairs( z.error_categories ) do
texttable.insert =(render, text ..make_wikilink ('[[Category:' .. v ..']]'));
for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do -- append maintenance categories
texttable.insert =(render, text ..make_wikilink ('[[Category:' .. v ..']]'));
for _, v in ipairs( z.properties_cats ) do -- append maintenanceproperties categories
texttable.insert =(render, text ..make_wikilink ('[[Category:' .. v ..']]'));
return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(text )
return table.concat (render);
--[[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------------
Looks for a parameter's name in one of several whitelists.
Parameters in the whitelist can have three values:
true - active, supported parameters
false - deprecated, supported parameters
nil - unsupported parameters
local function validate (name, cite_class)
local name = tostring (name);
local state;
if in_array (cite_class, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then -- limited parameter sets allowed for these templates
state = whitelist.limited_basic_arguments[name];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
state = whitelist[cite_class .. '_basic_arguments'][name]; -- look in the parameter-list for the template identified by cite_class
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- limited enumerated parameters list
name = name:gsub("%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#) (mw.ustring because non-Western 'local' digits)
state = whitelist.limited_numbered_arguments[name];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- not supported because not found or name is set to nil
end -- end limited parameter-set templates
state = whitelist.basic_arguments[name]; -- all other templates; all normal parameters allowed
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- all enumerated parameters allowed
name = name:gsub("%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#) (mw.ustring because non-Western 'local' digits)
state = whitelist.numbered_arguments[name];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- not supported because not found or name is set to nil
--[[--------------------------< M I S S I N G _ P I P E _ C H E C K >------------------------------------------
Look at the contents of a parameter. If the content has a string of characters and digits followed by an equal
sign, compare the alphanumeric string to the list of cs1|2 parameters. If found, then the string is possibly a
parameter that is missing its pipe:
{{cite ... |title=Title access-date=2016-03-17}}
cs1|2 shares some parameter names with xml/html atributes: class=, title=, etc. To prevent false positives xml/html
tags are removed before the search.
If a missing pipe is detected, this function adds the missing pipe maintenance category.
local function missing_pipe_check (value)
local capture;
value = value:gsub ('%b<>', ''); -- remove xml/html tags because attributes: class=, title=, etc
capture = value:match ('%s+(%a[%a%d]+)%s*=') or value:match ('^(%a[%a%d]+)%s*='); -- find and categorize parameters with possible missing pipes
if capture and validate (capture) then -- if the capture is a valid parameter name
add_maint_cat ('missing_pipe');
--[[--------------------------< C S 1 . C I T A T I O N >------------------------------------------------------
Line ٣٬٣٩٧ ⟶ ٣٬٤٩٩:
Frame = frame; -- save a copy incase we need to display an error message in preview mode
local pframe = frame:getParent()
local validation, utilities, identifiers, metadata, styles;
if nil ~= string.find (frame:getTitle(), 'sandbox', 1, true) then -- did the {{#invoke:}} use sandbox version?
cfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Configuration/sandbox'); -- load sandbox versions of support modules
whitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Whitelist/sandbox');
utilities = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Utilities/sandbox');
validation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Date_validation/sandbox');
identifiers = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Identifiers/sandbox');
metadata = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/COinS/sandbox');
styles = 'Module:Citation/CS1/en/sandbox/styles.css';
else -- otherwise
cfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Configuration'); -- load live versions of support modules
whitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Whitelist');
utilities = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Utilities');
validation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Date_validation');
identifiers = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/Identifiers');
metadata = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/en/COinS');
styles = 'Module:Citation/CS1/en/styles.css';
utilities.set_selected_modules (cfg); -- so that functions in Utilities can see the cfg tables
identifiers.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities); -- so that functions in Identifiers can see the selected cfg tables and selected Utilities module
validation.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities); -- so that functions in Date validataion can see selected cfg tables and the selected Utilities module
metadata.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities); -- so that functions in COinS can see the selected cfg tables and selected Utilities module
dates = validation.dates; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/en/Date validation
year_date_check = validation.year_date_check;
reformat_dates = validation.reformat_dates;
date_hyphen_to_dash = validation.date_hyphen_to_dash;
date_name_xlate = validation.date_name_xlate;
is_set = utilities.is_set; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
is_set = utilities.is_set; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/en/Utilities
in_array = utilities.in_array;
substitute = utilities.substitute;
Line ٣٬٤٣٥ ⟶ ٣٬٥٤١:
wrap_style = utilities.wrap_style;
safe_for_italics = utilities.safe_for_italics;
remove_wiki_linkis_wikilink = utilities.remove_wiki_linkis_wikilink;
make_wikilink = utilities.make_wikilink;
z = utilities.z; -- table of error and category tables in Module:Citation/CS1/en/Utilities
extract_ids = identifiers.extract_ids; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/Utilitiesen/Identifiers
build_id_list = identifiers.build_id_list;
is_embargoed = identifiers.is_embargoed;
extract_id_access_levels = identifiers.extract_id_access_levels;
make_coins_title = metadata.make_coins_title; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/en/COinS
get_coins_pages = metadata.get_coins_pages;
COinS = metadata.COinS;
local args = {}; -- table where we store all of the template's arguments
local args = {};
local suggestions = {}; -- table where we store suggestions if we need to loadData them
local error_text, error_state;
local config = {}; -- table to store parameters from the module {{#invoke:}}
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
config[k] = v;
-- args[k] = v; -- debug tool that allows us to render a citation from module {{#invoke:}}
args[k] = v;
Line ٣٬٤٦١ ⟶ ٣٬٥٦٨:
for k, v in pairs( pframe.args ) do
if v ~= '' then
if not validate('string' k== type (k)) then
k = mw.ustring.gsub (k, '%d', cfg.date_names.local_digits); -- for enumerated parameters, translate 'local' digits to Western 0-9
if not validate( k, config.CitationClass ) then
error_text = "";
if type( k ) ~= 'string' then
Line ٣٬٤٦٨ ⟶ ٣٬٥٧٨:
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'text_ignored', {v}, true );
elseif validate( k:lower(), config.CitationClass ) then
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, k:lower()}, true ); -- suggest the lowercase version of the parameter
if nil == suggestions.suggestions then -- if this table is nil then we need to load it
if nil ~= string.find (frame:getTitle(), 'sandbox', 1, true) then -- did the {{#invoke:}} use sandbox version?
suggestions = mw.loadData( 'Module:Citation/CS1/en/Suggestions/sandbox' ); -- use the sandbox version
suggestions = mw.loadData( 'Module:Citation/CS1/en/Suggestions' ); -- use the live version
Line ٣٬٤٨١ ⟶ ٣٬٥٩١:
capture = k:match (pattern); -- the whole match if no caputre in pattern else the capture if a match
if capture then -- if the pattern matches
param = substitute ( param, capture ); -- add the capture to the suggested parameter (typically the enumerator)
if validate (param, config.CitationClass) then -- validate the suggestion to make sure that the suggestion is supported by this template (necessary for limited parameter lists)
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, param}, true ); -- set the error message
error_text, error_state = set_error ('parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, param}, true); -- set the suggestion error message
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored', {param}, true ); -- suggested param not supported by this template
Line ٣٬٤٩٠ ⟶ ٣٬٦٠٤:
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored', {k}, true );
v = ''; -- unset value assigned to unrecognized parameters (this for the limited parameter lists)
Line ٣٬٤٩٨ ⟶ ٣٬٦١٣:
missing_pipe_check (v); -- do we think that there is a parameter that is missing a pipe?
-- TODO: is this the best place for this translation?
args[k] = v;
elseif args[k] ~= nil or (k == 'postscript') then
args[k] = v;
elseif args[k] ~= nil or (k == 'postscript') then -- here when v is empty string
args[k] = v; -- why do we do this? we don't support 'empty' parameters
Line ٣٬٥١٠ ⟶ ٣٬٦٢٥:
return table.concat ({citation0( config, args), frame:extensionTag ('templatestyles', '', {src=styles})});